just unloved

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Drugs don't call my name
And the bottle never whispers
Needles scare my veins
And I never hear a whimper
I don't owe anybody money
I have no reason to steal
You won't fine me in a back alley
Got no stomach for a deal
And I can't swallow pills
And my nose won't do a line
My feet don't wear no heels
And I don't lose track of time
The pavement doesn't mock me
The streets don't run me down
And if everybody hates me
I'll always hate this town

My nightmares aren't of powder
Of pill or even of smoke
I can't stand the city
Exhaust fumes make me choke
I crave the open road
And the whispers of the trees
They sing a song so sweet
That it'll bring you to your knees
Booze doesn't do it for me
And smoke just hurts my head
But I'll admit about those times
That I wished I was dead
I was taken from my home
When I was just a kid
Left crying all alone
And wondering what I did

I was told it was the system
Doing what they all do best
And what that is exactly
Is tearing my heart out from my chest
They told me I'm unloved
And my parents want to hurt me
That's why they intervened
Like they knew what was good for me
I was eight at the time
And I never understood
Why taking me from my parents
Would do me any good
I knew they still loved me
They hugged me every night
The first time I saw them
I held on real tight

And never wanted to leave
My father's arms so weak
Since they had taken us
He never wanted to eat
His cheeks had caved in
And his eyes were black and blue
And momma's hands always shook
Like she didn't know what to do
I hate the fucken system
Because they tried to kill my life
Not by the bottom of a bottle
Or even the blade of a knife
They tried to kill a child
Before they'd even seen
That any addiction known to man
Was not as bad as me

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