and so it goes

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And so it goes
The ending is here
Another one for the books
Does it ever end
We'll never know

Is this my legacy
What's left of the world to decide
What type of human I was in life
Are these my final words
What I wish to pass on
To those following my path

These are simply thoughts
Whether they were good or bad at the time
Justified or unwanted
If they were moments of revelation
Or pits of sorrow and seething rage
They were raw emotions
Some are more decipherable than others
And there's even some
That sound like the ramblings of a mad man
Regardless of their origin
They are the shadows of my brain
They reflect how I think
And breathe

And if nothing ever comes out of it
If it was all a waste of time of space
At least
Until the day I'm set to expire
I can say
They were real

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