there was once a girl

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Sometimes the past just gets you down
Creeping up behind you
And jumping you
When all you were doing
Was trying your best to live life

There was once a girl I loved
But I didn't tell her I loved her in time
So I lost her
To a man I hated
But she was happy
And that was all that mattered

He twisted her mind when I wasn't around
And he made her hate me
She hated my guts
She drug my name through the mud
She called me names
And she scared me
I knew her as a beautiful girl
And here she was
Being ugly like him

It's been years
I haven't spoken to her

She appears in my memory from time to time
Beautiful like she was
And it makes my heart hurt
Knowing I didn't save her in time
If she ever wanted to talk
She knows where I am
And I would probably listen
Like there wasn't years and bad blood
Pulling us apart

I only wish
Her memory didn't attack me
In those moments
Where I'm not strong enough
To survive the attack

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