they're supportive

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A person struggles
And nobody sees it
And if they do see it
They don't wanna look at it
Because that means they care
And that's not their problem

A person asks for help
And they become needy
Always needing this and that
And oh boy it's too much
Now you're greedy
And can't you just shut up
Grow up
And help your damn self
Because nobody has time
For your bullshit

A person hides in their shell
And all of a sudden
They're too quiet
They're sick
There's gotta be something wrong with em
They're usually not like this
You know
What the hell are they doing
To be acting this way

As soon as a person starts saying nobody cares
Everybody's standing at the door
To cuss them out
I've always been there
I'm better than everybody else
I'm here to listen
You never accept what I have to say to you
Call me but really don't

Supportive people
Confuse me

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