just maybe

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Maybe I'm the bad guy
You know

Remember that girl I liked
And she got a boyfriend
Before i could ask her out
And I left because
She pulled my name through the mud
And kept sayin
Mean shit
About me

It's my fault
Ya know
I shoulda kept quiet
I shoulda shut the fuck up and smiled at her
And nodded like a mindless rat
And done whatever she asked of me
Even if it was something
So dangerous and damaging
As going to a beer blast on a weekend
And doing some rails with some homophobic strangers
In the middle of the woods
Around a bonfire
Induced by gasoline
Ya know

I shoulda been there
So her and her brainless boyfriend could take all the cash I had
And I shoulda given them everything
I had to offer
Be it the clothes off my back
Or even the fucken soul from my body
Ya know
I shoulda let them take
And take and take
Until I was left with nothin

Because that's what a good friend does
A good friend don't leave
They don't just get up and go
When they get gut kicked
And beat up
And spit on

I'm the bad guy for leaving
When I shoulda stayed
And taken the shit she threw at me
Words or plates
Cups or curses

I shoulda fucken stayed
Because I'm a bad guy
For getting the fuck outta there

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