something gay

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I haven't written anything gay in a while
Not for any specific reason
But last time I wrote about being gay
Being queer in a plain society
I was told
Stop that
Cut it out

I didn't think much of it
Shrugged it off
Forgot about the comment

I write what I write
Be it gay or not
Or controversial or whimsical
Or whatever the case happens to be

I haven't written anything gay
In a while
The inaction of writing gay stuff
Hurts a little
Am I less gay than I was
When I was writing gay stuff
Maybe the straights are wearing off on me
And my gay is fading away
There's gonna be no gay left in me
And they'll win

To make sure they don't carry out their evil plans
Here's this
I'm a gay
I'm the queer kid your parents warned you about
I don't look like much
With my appearance and shape
But damn it
I'm a gay

I'm one of those folks
That people like to say is confused
But it's pretty easy to understand
I'm what they call
And queer

I'm neither a man or woman
I like who I like
And I exist to see the beauty in the world

I'm a sinple person
And I'm not a person to fear

For all of those out there
Struggling with safety
I am a safe space
I will listen to you if you wanna talk
If you wanna unload whatever is on your mind
If you need to cry
If you want a hug
I'm your safe space queer
I may not have all the answers
But I will cherish you and your feelings
And make you feel valid and worthy

I'm here
I'm queer
And I love you all so dear

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