12. Terrible Timing

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As Wilbur sat in his bed, smiling like an idiot about how things were now making sense to him now, and he had just kissed Quackity, Quackity sat in an empty restaurant moping around.

He stared into the blackness of the night through the window panes, soon this building would be open for customers. Yet Quackity sat here, trying to figure out why he acted in such ways he did.

After all, he kissed Wilbur. Fucking Wilbur Soot.

'That bitch totally wanted it though.'

Quackity was mad with his actions, but he couldn't blame himself because that would just be stupid when you could blame it on Wilbur.

'He knew what he was doing. That idiot.'

Quackity groaned and leaned on the seat, turning his head to glance over the restaurant again.

His eyes stopped when they found the exact bit of wall that Wilbur had pinned him up against, Quackity shoved the memory out of his brain quickly.

'He thinks he can talk like that- use that tone with me and not expect me to act out?'

Quackity thought back to after the meeting what Wilbur's breath felt like against his neck.

For just a moment he let himself be taken by his memories and odd thoughts before he shook his head and groaned.

'This bitch uses the exact same tone and words. He definitely knew I wasn't going to be able to control myself. That scumbag.'

Quackity might have been responsible for this, but why would he blame himself? He could just use the excuse that Wilbur used the exact tone and words he did back when he pulled Quackity into his room during Pogtopia, and he did, so technically it wasn't a lie.

But did Wilbur do it because he knew Quackity wouldn't be able to resist him? Well, Quackity wants to see the worst out of Wilbur right now so he doesn't see any bad in himself.

"Jesus Christ," he mumbled, "Why the fuck did I do that?"

See, no matter how much he wanted to blame this on Wilbur he knew this was truly his own fault. He kissed Wilbur, and he could tell Wilbur wasn't expecting it. But he could just lie, right? Not for long, because the truth sets in harder for Quackity, he did this himself.

Why did he even kiss Wilbur?

Yes, part of it was because Wilbur started that similar tone from back in the past. But there was something else, that couldn't just be it.

Maybe it was because Quackity was alone, he squeezed his eyes as he accepted this possibility. Also squeezing the two rings hung around his neck.

'Wouldn't going back to them be better than trying anything with that monster?'

Quackity wiped the tear he felt and placed his face on the table, 'I'm just being pathetic.'

Now Quackity was trying to fall asleep in an empty, dimly lit restaurant at midnight.

He probably would've succeeded if it weren't for the knock on the window that made him jump in his seat.

Quackity turned to see who he thought he'd never see in years.

It was Sapnap, 'What the hell is he doing here?'

Quackity's heart sunk as he stood up to unlock the door, "Sapnap?"

"Hey Quackity," he said so casually that it almost made Quackity mad.

"What- We aren't open."

Sapnap let out a small chuckle, "I know that."

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