3. the wayne gala

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AUGUST 6, 07:00 EDT


Bubs and I sat on our mattress, against a mountain of pillows, spooning at our bowls of off-brand cereals. A dinosaur of a TV sat across from us, large silver antennas springing out from the top, as a blurry broadcasting of an episode of Friends played on the TV. It was a dumpster dive I made behind the rink last year, but it worked enough to entertain us through most days.

"He's Hans Ramoray, Drake's evil twin!" Ross said dramatically.

I glanced sideways at my sister who was giggling loudly despite seeing this episode nearly a hundred times. My attention turned to the newspaper I swiped along with our box of cereal this morning. It was all random stories of local politics and supposed improvement plans for the city that were never going to happen. Then, I pushed my reading glasses further up towards my eyes, scanning a smaller headline "GOTHAM ACADEMY GYMNASIUM DESTROYED IN ANDROID INCIDENT."  

Under the headline was a bunch of bull crap about the League intervening, preventing further damage in Gotham. Credits directly went to the Bat and the Bird, much to my distaste. My feelings were still hurt over the hundreds of dollars they lost me. I flipped the page irritably. Bird Brain.

Then my eyes caught sight of a massive article on Bruce Wayne. He was cute... very cute. His millionaire playboy reputation made perfect sense with a face like that. Other than being my occasional eye candy he really held no purpose for me. He smiled largely in the picture, a hand raised as he waved at the public. It talked about some massive charity ball happening at his manor tomorrow evening.

Huh. Tomorrow evening... Maybe Bruce Wayne could help me after all.

"Don't go."

I looked sideways to see Bubs wasn't watching the show anymore, but me and the newspaper instead.

I faked an innocent look.

"I know what you're thinking, Ace," she nodded at the paper. "You're going to make up your missing jewel by sniffing around at that Wayne Gala."

I pointed at the headline, underlining the word "ball."

"Fine, Wayne Ball," she rolled her eyes. "You know there's nothing I can do to break you out of prison."

I ruffled her already messy hair. Oh Bubs, I would just break myself out.

I stared up at the massive, gated mansion. Gotham's wealthiest inhabitants trailed in slowly, draped in silk and furs. There was a certain air of confidence I didn't feel without the goggles and the suit. Instead I had to shuffle through all these socialites in a stolen dress, with a ticket Bubs hacked for me. I wonder if they could smell the poverty on me.

I took a deep breath and strode in, my head held high, handing the ticket to the doorman without an ounce of hesitation in my expression. He stared at it for a moment, and I wondered if my whole operation would get shut down before it even started, but then he looked back up and greeted me, "Enjoy the ball, Miss."

I owe you one, Bubs.

I moved forward quickly before I could be questioned, walking through an already gaudy foyer, to approach a massive ballroom. It gleamed with all the light coming from the chandeliers that bounced off endless jeweled necklaces and glasses of champagne. Couples and other young socialites talked animatedly to each other, enjoying their drinks and dancing together in the center.

"Champagne miss?" a server passed by, holding out a tray.

I nodded, forcing a smile, taking a glass of the golden liquid. I moved forward, gliding through the crowd that was completely unaware of my wandering free hand. My shoulder bumped into a man draped in a tuxedo. 

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