21. the real me

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Washington DC
December 30, 08:45 EST


"You nervous?"

"Not at all."

"Maybe you're just too cocky," I suggested, helping Arrow fix his uniform. We were all waiting in the Hall of Justice for the induction ceremony to start.

"Maybe someone's jealous I beat them to the big leagues."

I scoffed. "Technically I started out in the big leagues," I reminded him.

"Should've stayed, maybe we could've fought each other."

"We could still fight now."

"Roy," Green Arrow arrived at the doors. "It's time."

"You'll have to hold that thought," Arrow smiled, following Green Arrow out.

"You and Roy seem to be getting along pretty well."

Birdie had taken Arrow's place now, inserting himself into an uncomfortable situation.

"He's alright," I said shortly.

"Carter, I know it's—"

"Are you supposed to be calling me that right now?"

"Jade, whatever," he waved it off. "I don't like the way we left everything in Geneva."

"I told you I needed time to think about it."

"Think about what?"

"Everything," I shrugged. "It's information I didn't want, now I don't know what to do with it."

"You're saying you'd rather never know I was Robin?"

"No," I shot back, unable to find my reasons "I just..."

"I thought it was weird at first too. I thought Jade was angry and violent and I thought Carter was funny and sweet. I can accept that you and Jade are the same person. I'm asking you if you can you accept that Robin and I are."

I wish I had definitive answer for him, but I didn't. I don't even understand the separation between Carter and Jade, where it ends, where it begins. Being around Dick and Robin were polarizing experiences. Now I'm supposed to adjust to the idea that they were the same person the entire time and so was Carter and Jade?

Besides all this distracts from the real reason I'm here. The real reason I do anything and everything. Bubs.

She was here today, excited to skip school, excited to watch the member induction and see the team — in particular Wally. Maybe it would be best if I just stuck with her for a little.

I left Birdie and sat down with Bubs who was listening to Artemis, Wally, and Zatanna talk.

"How'd it go?"

I frowned. How did what go?

"Dick or Robin or whatever you're calling him," she explained. "He's been moping around the house a lot recently. Something about finally telling you his identity and it not going as planned."

I let out a sigh, sinking into my seat.

"I know it's a lot to figure out," Bubs said leaning back with me. "But I still think you should give him a chance. He makes you happy, doesn't he?"

"I don't need a Birdie," I whispered, so only Bubs could hear. "All I need is you."

I smiled at my sister, fixing her hair another time so her beautiful face could be seen. She smiled back at me and it made me feel warm, made me feel safe. It cured my loneliness, even just for a short moment. "You're allowed to have more than just me, Ace."

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