20. identity

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fair warning this chapter is kinda spicy... but not that spicy dw

Mount Justice
December 20, 18:38 EST


"You seem bloodier than usual."

My eyes narrowed from behind my glasses.

"I saw what you did to Sportsmaster," Arrow went on. "I can't say I blame you for it, but that was a bit violent, even for me."

"He deserved it," I said lowly again, trying to make sense of something like this suddenly being wrong. Maybe I was settling a score, so what? That's a tradition I've known since before I could walk. Or maybe I was just so angry and exhausted that I took it all out on him. Had he not disappeared with Klarion and everyone else, I'm not sure if anything would've stopped me. Maybe I was lonely. Maybe I missed Birdie and I missed Dick more than I could ever care to admit. Maybe I'm angry because of how lonely I am.

It doesn't matter. All I know is I don't want therapy or some sappy pat on the back, I want to fight.

Say what you want about what I did to Sportsmaster, but I don't regret it and I most certainly didn't feel bad.

"Never he said didn't," Arrow shrugged, leaning back against the kitchen counter. "But I still think it was a little violent."

"Don't you have some mole to catch?" I deflected.

"Speaking of which, that reminds me," he said, growing a mischievous smile.

"Advanced weapons tech have been stolen at manufacturing plants throughout Europe and each theft coincides with tour stops made by the Haly Circus. Batman is sending us undercover to catch the thieves."

"This clown car have room for two more?" Arrow said, dragging me along with him.

"Uh... we've got this covered," Birdie said.

Arrow pulled me down so that only Birdie and I could hear him. "You've got the mission covered, but who's covering the three potential mole suspects you're brining along."

He pulled away and started talking like normal, "Besides, I've heard Jade is a killer on the trapeze."

Who the hell told you that?

December 22, 20:08 CET

"Where the world in the center ring is your oyster and these are our latest pearls! The Daring Dangers!"

"Dan Danger. Danielle Danger." Birdie and I on the trapeze.

"Diane Danger. Dane Danger." Arrow and Artemis shooting arrows at me while I'm on the trapeze.

"Dawn Danger. Dean Danger." Boy Scout and M'gann throwing heavy things at me while I'm on the fucking trapeze.

The opening was Birdie and I switching sides, all while soaring through the barrels and dodging the arrows. Needless to say, they were betting a lot on my two day learning experience.

"You'll never see another trapeze act like this, folks. And all of it, without a net!"

I was upside down, holding my hands out as I swung towards Birdie — no.

"Robin!" M'gann panicked over the psychic link.

He was looking up at me with an empty hand held out, but I didn't know what to do besides fall with him.

JADE (young justice/robin)Where stories live. Discover now