19. fury

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Gotham City
December 5, 17:02 EST


I wonder if she knew I could see her, or hear her. Artemis was below me, talking to herself. Narrating her own nerves about why she was recruited to the team.

"I just spent the last four months doing nothing but. I've got nothing to prove. I'm one of a kind— AHH!"

She screamed when I landed on the floor behind her and by the time I stood back up, I was making eye contact with the tip of an arrow. I gave her a "really?" kind of look, pushing it aside.

"Oh, Jade, sorry... You didn't hear anything right?"

I shook my head. A lie. Yes, I did.


"Artemis B-07. Jade B-08."

"Artemis, Jade. Just in time," Green Arrow said. "Look who's agreed to join the team."

Everyone was standing with our newest member: Arrow.

"Finally!" Wally celebrated.

"Sure, Team's needed a real archer," she scoffed.

Interesting. Artemis is clearly threatened by Arrow, and from what I heard earlier it seems like she's having doubts about her skills, maybe for the same reason.

"Okay people, listen up. The Dynamic Duo's on a case in Gotham but Batman gave me a heads up."

Huh. So that also means no Birdie today... whatever, not like I care.

"Sportsmaster was spotted coming through Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport."

More news that clearly upset Artemis.

"In full costume?" Zatanna asked. "Nervy."

"In street clothes. Facial recognition software picked up the ID. Find out what he's up to."

"All of us? Seems like overkill for a shadow job."

"Perhaps a small squad," Tornado suggested. "Miss Martian's camouflage abilities seem ideal."

"Thought the sidekicks— sorry, ex-sidekicks could suit up on this. Aqualad, Kid Flash, Red Arrow. Maybe even the newest Bat kid?" Green Arrow suggested looking at me.

I wondered if I looked as offended as I felt. I am NOT a bat kid.

"Good stakeouts make me crazy," Boy Scout huffed.

"We could use the night off," M'gann said.

"I want in," Artemis announced. "With M'gann and Robin out, no one's logged more hours piloting the Bio-Ship."

"Artemis, are you sure?"


Not. I was waiting for her to say not. She can't even handle looking at a debrief for a mission that involved her family. Clearly this isn't the time to try to prove yourself.

"Uh, this could wind up being one of these things that sounds better in my head than out loud, but... you are a real archer."

I sank in my seat, throwing my head back. Call me bitter or a skeptic or whatever you want, but the last thing I wanted to listen to was more people on the team flirt. The last thing I wanted to watch was people get together and be happy about it. It made me nauseous.

All I want right now is to punch some bad guys, or any guys really or watch them get punched by someone else. What's a girl gotta do?

"No, I mean, I'm jazzed about Red Arrow. Uh, we go way back, you know? But you, you've made your own place on the Team. You've got nothing to prove. Not to me, okay?"

JADE (young justice/robin)Where stories live. Discover now