34. working with the enemy

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Mount Justice
February 19, 18:29 EST


"So unprofessional."

"I don't hear you saying stop," he grinned against my neck. He seized the skin again, kissing me methodically as his hands firmly gripped my waist.

"Your team might see."

"They're your team too."

My eyes fluttered shut. "For now."


Dick came up for air, allowing us both to see that Red was standing near the doorway, hands on her hips.

I relished the way Dick didn't let go of me. The way he held me against his body tightly, despite knowing that Red couldn't want that less. Call it childish, but I wanted her pissed off.

"We're all waiting on the Bioship."

Go without me then.

"Guess you're going then," Dick sighed.

I don't have to.

"Be good please," he whispered, placing a kiss on my forehead before he finally let go.

My eyes rolled before I slid the googles over my head, and reluctantly followed Red out to the hangar.

They all stared at me funnily as I stepped onto the ship. A mixture of scared, confused, and sympathetic glances. Most of all, I could tell they'd prefer if I wasn't here.

Like a kid at the back of the classroom, I sat in the furthest seat from the crowd. I slumped in my chair, watching some of the girls talk back and forth quietly. Each time I listened in, it sounded like nothing of importance. More than that, it sounded like nothing of relevance to the mission.

"Investigating the origin of the alien bomb that destroyed the Krolotean invasion force is still a high priority. We suspect the bomb may have been smuggled to Earth via boom tube. Watchtower sensor scans at Bialya have recorded an uptick in boom tube activity. Alpha squad, your mission is—"

"Oh! Sneak behind enemy lines, recon known boom tube hotspots, and find alien tech matching the bomb. Oh, and don't get caught or create an international incident, right?"

I felt my eyes rolling largely.

"That about covers it."


"We have confirmation that Bialya's telepathic enforcer's still catatonic in a Quraci hospital... after his last encounter with you."

My head turned to M'gann in my seat. You? Miss Sunshine, smiles, giggles and rainbows who bakes bad cookies? You left a dude catatonic?


"But Bialya's dictator, Queen Bee, is another story. Her ability to control the minds of men is why Alpha is an all-female squad for this mission."

"Oh, really? And would you have felt the need to explain an all male squad for a given mission?"

I saw one girl's head turn towards Dick. Then, another. Then mine too.

Yeah? Would you?

"Uh, um... there's no right answer for that, uh, is there? So... Nightwing out."

"Queen Bee isn't the only woman who can mess with a man's mind."

I was the only one on the ship who wasn't laughing. Maybe I didn't think it was entirely a joke. I mean, this was the same girl who, just weeks ago, was trying to convince Dick to leave me. The same girl who had to make it explicitly clear how much she didn't like me, and was now stuck to work with me on a mission.

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