16. ugly truth

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November 1, 01:01 EDT


The night went in a direction I didn't expect at all. I know Artemis and Zatanna were joking about him kissing me, but I didn't actually think he'd do it. It was... good. Yeah, good's the word I'd use. I can't really say I preferred it to Birdie, but I liked it. A lot. I guess I'm also starting to like him bothering me.

Tonight made me feel lighter, almost. Like everything going wrong just stopped for a second and I was living a normal life. But then things got quiet, and reality set in again. Life isn't normal, it's far from it. The girl Dick was with tonight wasn't me, not really. The real me masquerades as a superhero, fighting to keep away a past painted in nothing but blood. It wasn't fair for Dick, and I knew one of these days I'd inevitably have to break his heart to keep him and everyone else safe. I just never thought until tonight, that it might break my heart too. This was for Eden though, and that's all that mattered. Our hearts were a fair trade if it meant she stayed safe.

I really wanted her around again. I miss watching the morning Friends broadcasts with her and listening to her voice. I miss her working on that stolen computer in all her kid genius ways. I miss her calling me out for my fixation on danger and Birdie. I just miss her. I want my sister back.

I laid in the dark, tossing and turning until my loneliness and selfish needs overcame me. I spared the suit, slid the goggles on and snatched up the grapnel. Within a few minutes I was swinging from building to building, my hushed steps running across every rooftop in Gotham until I reached the Wayne Manor.

It felt nostalgic moving quietly amongst the front yards security; winding my body through laser grids and disarming systems. It felt like a century ago when this was a regular nighttime activity for me.

I didn't know which one was her room or if I was even on the right side of the mansion, but then I spotted the faint outline of a little girl behind the curtains of a window on the third floor. I grappled up, kneeling down on the ledge before I knocked on the glass in a rhythm we used to use at the rink. I could see her outline refuse to move. So I tried again.

It took a few tries, but eventually she finally got up and opened the window. I threw my legs into the room, followed by the rest of my body, quickly slipping the goggles off to look around. Her new room was nice, big, filled with proper furniture. The TV worked properly and the bed looked warm; even the clothes she wore were clean and new. My appreciation grew for the Bat who was giving her a good life here.

I wanted to hug her, but she didn't look very excited to see me.

"Why are you here?"

"I... wanted to see you."

She let out a frustrated sigh. "Your voice sounds a lot better."

"Using it more," I said, relieved that she was willing to hold a conversation. "Like you told me."

"That's good."

Neither of us really knew what to say next. "I brought you something."

I pulled out the jar of jellybeans from the carnival, holding them out for her. I always used to bring her different candies on Halloween, so this would have to do for now.

"Thanks," she said shortly, taking it.

"Bat said you started school."

JADE (young justice/robin)Where stories live. Discover now