23. the last good thing

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The Watchtower
December 31, 23:16 EST

"This feels like a suicide mission," I pointed out looking at the massive hole we drilled into the bottom of the Watchtower.

"It's not," Birdie told me. "Not if we stick to the plan."

Maybe I wouldn't have to run away after all. Maybe I would die trying to fight the Justice League.

"RT did it. Wirelessly bypassed security for us as soon as he arrived. Savage shouldn't know we're here."

"Move out."

Artemis and I grouped together first, spotting Plastic Man alone in a cargo hold. We gave each other an uneasy look, but carried on anyway. She snuck away to the left while I turned to the right. On my signal, she fired an arrow into the center of the room that emitted a foggy, green smoke. The coughs of Plastic Man followed shortly after as he tried to extend his head to the upper floor.

There he came face to face with me as I hit him across the face. His head collided with the steel floor and before he could recover I placed the antivirus on his neck.

"One down," Artemis told me.

"Yeah and about twenty more to go."

We left the room and split up to relocate. I rendezvoused with Boy Scout as planned while she met up with Wally. He put a finger to his mouth, before pointing out Hawkman who was pacing the floor just around the corner. I gave him a nod before escaping to higher ground.

When Hawkman finally turned the corner, his face was met with Boy Scouts fist, pushing him back just enough for me to land on his shoulders. The antivirus knocked him out cold and instantly he fell to the floor.

The mace in his hands caught my eye. "Do you think he'd mind?"

Birdie arrived next to Boy Scout. That was the plan, keep regrouping and keep moving in order to round up as many Leaguers as possible before Savage or anyone else could interfere. "Maybe try not to steal the League's weapons?"

"It's not like he's gonna use it," I argued.

By the time we rendezvoused with Rocket and M'gann, the only Leaguers left were the ones in the main room. We spread out to different corners watching carefully for who was standing guard. I had my sights on Green Lantern and was about to move in when it occurred to me that my cover had been blown.

Hawkwoman was standing right behind me.

I glanced down at the mace. "Heh. This isn't what it looks like."

If the Leaguers didn't know we were there, they certainly did now. The sound of me getting hit across the face and flying into the center of the room should have been warning enough.

I shook my head, trying to regain my senses as my view was obstructing by her flying overhead. Her great wings covered all the light from above as she swung her mace back. I rolled to the side just in time as the mace buried into the ground where my head just was.

I kicked her from the side, but her wings kept her upright. She swung her mace from above and I blocked it just in time with the mace I had stolen. I watched her grit her teeth as she pushed her mace down with more force. I tried to hold my own against her, but she brought me to my knees.

Instead of trying to overpower her, which I most certainly couldn't, I twisted out from under her letting her mace hit the floor as I swung up from the side. The mace hit the side of her face with a loud clang.

It pushed her back, but barely. In fact, she managed to look more pissed off than before.

"I'm sorry," I panted.

JADE (young justice/robin)Where stories live. Discover now