10. home

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September 22, 06:56 EDT


"What's the first thing you noticed about me?"

He kept doing this; asking me all these random questions that came into his head. It was a little tiring, to be honest. I'm not used to talking this much about myself, or at all really. By the end of everyday, my voice grew hoarser than it already was and my throat ached. When he asked about it, I had to play it off as a cold.

"Height." He wasn't eye level with me yet. Something he had repeatedly assured me would change very soon.

"Very funny," he said blandly.

I shrugged, leaning back on one of the courtyard pillars. "I kinda thought you were..." when I looked to my side again, he was completely gone. I turned left and right, scanning for him but he was gone. Then when I turned back, I saw him running into the middle of the courtyard with his phone held up. He was taking a picture with — was that Artemis? Since when does she go here?

When he ran back over, I asked, "What was that about?"

"Nothing," he waved it off. "Just being friendly to the new girl."

I nodded, thinking it over for a moment. "Habit for you?"

A grin grew on his face. "What, are you jealous?"

"If I was?" I challenged. His mouth opened to answer, but there weren't any words coming out. Laughing it him, I shoved his gelled little head with my palm, "Come on."

"Wait up!" he called, catching up with me. "What are you doing after school today?"

"Going home."

"And then?"

I shrugged.

"Well... could I go with you?"

I looked at him funny.

"Not like that, pervert," he whined. "To hang out."

I thought it over for a second. I didn't really have a house to bring him to. He probably has never ever seen my part of town. "What about your house?"

"There's nothing for us to do there."

I gave him a "really?" look. I'm sure he lived in some massive mansion that had about a thousand different things we could do.

"Okay, that's not true," he surrendered. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't really want you to see where I live."

"Why not?"

"I don't know," he shrugged. "I feel like a big house changes how you view people. And I'm not really ready for you to meet the people that come with the house, either."

I thought it over again, as he added, "But I do want to hang out with you outside of school for once."

"Fine," I sighed. "Don't expect much."

"Oh, I'm expecting a lot," he grinned. "I'd love to see what you get up to in that convent or library you go home to everyday."

I didn't laugh with him, so he reassured me, "I'm not expecting anything."


"I just want to spend time with you."


When the last bell rang, I met up with Carter at the front gate. "You excited."

"Ecstatic," she said flatly.

JADE (young justice/robin)Where stories live. Discover now