48. batgirl

958 47 0

July 29, 02:55 EST


I knew Bruce was out there somewhere, patrolling the city. I knew Robin, Spoiler, and Orphan might all be doing the same. I just needed the time to clear my head, gain a sense of what exactly I was feeling. That was the point of me looming over the edge of this building, waiting for any spark of trouble to appear.

Going to see Carter was unfair of me, I know that. I can't even exactly explain why I did it. Sure, we've known each other for years. I could toss out the excuse that I wanted to see how someone I spent all my time growing up with was doing. But I hurt Carter, even if she refused to show it. My showing up tonight probably dredged up as many old feelings for her, as it did for me.

The sound of a building alarm stopped me before I could think about it any longer. It was coming from a few blocks away, a gang of robbers trying to make a getaway before the police or worse could show up.

It had been so long since I'd fought in Gotham. Moving through the air, across each of these buildings, made me even more nostalgic for the past than I already was. The adrenaline began to pump through my veins; the thought of a fight you know you'll win. But a fight had already broken out before I could even reach the bank. Grunts and gunfire between the men and whoever was stopping them. It echoed from blocks away, growing louder as I drew closer.

I started to slow my pace, too busy watching the brawl that was already finishing up below. It was just one person, moving too quickly for me to make any details out. They bounded back and forth between the dozen men surrounding them, and every bullet aimed their way.

I found myself watching the scene like a movie, wondering who could that possibly be? What new vigilante arrived in Gotham with the skill to fight off ten armed men at once?

One by one, they all inevitably ended up on the ground, noses smashed in, other bones bruised and broken. With the job done, the shadow of a figure disappeared back inside of the bank, leaving the band of thugs for the cops to find. I knew this routine too well. The stranger would be arriving up here with me any second now, intending to run through the entire city until they spotted trouble.

My curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to see their face—or mask, really. I wanted to know who the newest addition that Bruce hadn't bothered to tell me about was. After all, he didn't mention anything about Spoiler or Orphan joining, or Babs becoming Oracle after the accident. He didn't tell me much of anything these days, other than the plan to break up the team.

Just as I had expected, the door opened quietly, and the stranger stepped out. I felt my mouth fall open instantly, a million confused thoughts running through my mind. "Batgirl?"

Barbara never mentioned anything about someone taking up the mantle, unless this person had decided to without her knowledge. But that was impossible; of course Babs would know. So, the real question is why not tell me? And who did she trust enough to let replace her?

She wasn't nearly as frozen as I'd become. The moment she saw me, she sprang off towards the next rooftop, grappling from building to building in hopes to lose me. That wasn't going to happen, though. This may not be my city anymore, but I still needed answers, and they were only a rooftop away.

I had to admit, she was fast, and clever too. I could tell by the way she chose her routes and all the sharp turns she made. It was as if she knew exactly which path would make it more difficult for me to follow.

A few blocks down, though, I was finally starting to catch up with her. Warily, she began to glance over her shoulder, looking back to see that I was at her heels. The next time she attempted to grapple, I was close enough to grab her by the arm and yank her back down to the ground.

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