6. downtime

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Gotham City
August 27, 06:17 EDT


I lunged left and right as his swings kept missing me. Come on mudhead, you're supposed to hit me.

He let out an obnoxiously loud roar that echoed through the warehouse, as my cockiness fell flat. He swiped a massive muddy arm at me, too large to simply jump over. It knocked me into the nearby metal cargo crate, the impact just as loud as his roar a second ago.

When his arm pulled away from me, I fell to the floor on my knees, right next to Sharkboy who was already knocked out. Panting, I got up at an embarrassingly slow pace. Okay, good job.

We were back to our cat and mouse game. I somersault, flip, and handspring around, like the wonderful acrobat I pretend to be, and Mudhead here tries to hit me like a wack-a-mole. I skidded to a stop, pulling a knife from its holster, before it was spiraling quickly through the air. It landed right in the center of Mudhead's chest, then sank in doing absolutely no damage.

I frowned. I want a deposit back on that. 

He swept me up with both hands. I struggled, trying to squirm out of his hold as the mud continued to grow around me. It spread over my arms and legs, leaving my head to be the only thing exposed to the air. As the mud slowly built up, my view became nothing but darkness.

The sound of glass shattering and two large booms led to Mudhead letting go of me. I dropped to the floor, coughing and gasping for air. Looking up, the Bat landed just ahead of me, using a taser to melt Mudhead to the floor.

"I had it," I rasped, getting back to my feet.

"Clearly," he said gruffly. "The team?"

I scoffed, gesturing to the five unconscious kids behind me. New rugs for the floor.

He let out a low growl as the eye slits of his cowl narrowed. The Bat's way of signaling disappointment. "Get them up and back to the cave," he commanded, before grappling back onto the roof.

I scoffed again. Asshole.

My steps pattered against the muddy floor as I approached an unconscious Birdie. I tilted my head at him lovingly, before giving him a light kick in the ribs. Wakey, wakey.

He woke up with a gasp, taking in the scene. "What happened?" he said, rubbing his head.

I gave him an unamused look, pointing again at all the unconscious bodies. You all ate mud, that's what happened.

"The monster?"

I pointed at the mud puddle on the floor, going over to kick M'gann awake. The Bat came in and stopped him in .5 seconds. Didn't look too pleased.

Mount Justice
August 27, 07:58 EDT

"I need to talk to Aqualad. The rest of you hit the showers and head home."

"Head home? I am home," Superboy huffed.

"Just Aqualad," Batman told Birdie who tried to stick around.

He headed for the doorway, a massive frown on his face. I stood in his way, mirroring his shuffling so he couldn't pass.

"Move, please," he said tensely.

I didn't listen. Instead I pouted and put a hand on his mouth, turning his frown upside down for him. 

He slapped my hand away, growing more agitated by the second. "Move, Jade."

I shook my head. 

"You didn't help earlier, why help now?"

I almost let out a scoff. If you didn't notice Birdie, I was the only one who didn't take a nap during our little tousle.

JADE (young justice/robin)Where stories live. Discover now