32. a parting gift

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February 13, 19:39 EST

"You're going to make me fall!" Miles laughed loudly.

I kept hold of his hands, pulling his hands from behind his back. We were giggling like children, skating after hours, desperately hoping Cissie wouldn't catch us.

I started swinging him in circles, our uncontrollable laughter filling the room. I couldn't remember a time where I had felt this happy on the ice. There was no responsibility, no judgment. For a short moment, I could be careless and not pay a price for it — unlike seemingly everything else in my life .

But my phone started buzzing in my pocket.

"Hang on." I let go of him, staring at the unknown number. "Hello?"

"I found him. I thought you should know first."

Green Arrow's vague call drained the rink of all the joy it had mere seconds ago.

"What do you mean 'you found him'?"

Don't tell me you mean a body. What did you find?

"In DC, He's here. He doesn't look good."

"You mean my kind of not looking good."

Green Arrow read between the lines of my comment. "That amongst other things. You should be here when the rest show up."

"What am I supposed to do about it?"

I'm the last person Arrow needs right now.

"Give him a pep talk. Maybe bring him back to his senses."

I'm also the last person who should preach sobriety or course correction.

"I'm not big on talking."

"Suit yourself," Green Arrow sighed before ending the call. Not without sending the coordinates to Arrow's location to my phone.

"Is everything okay?" Miles asked.


"Do you need to be home?"

Do I?

Dick would be out for Arrow's intervention; probably on the phone with Green Arrow right now. I don't think it'd be a good idea for me to join in. I'd be a hypocrite. Arrow would know it too. For so long, we were all the other had. If I show up, it'll look like I've turned against him all of a sudden.

That must be how Kaldur felt too.

"I... I'm not sure."

Miles was so quick to concern. "Did something happen?"


"What?!" he whined. "You can't pull that on me! We're partners, we're supposed to share everything."

That was a stupid statement Cissie made a few weeks ago. How, if we wanted to properly be in sync and win this thing, we had to know each other better than anyone else. Little do both of them know, I'm hiding an alternate life where I'm an assassin, crime fighter, and recovering drug addict. So, no. We can't share everything.

JADE (young justice/robin)Where stories live. Discover now