😑𝔼𝕩.. 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕨𝕖 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕😑

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"Y/N hurry up we'll be late!" I roll my eyes playfully and respond. "Michael I'll be ready in 10 minutes!" I go back to adjusting my dress and touching up my make up.

Michael gives me a sarcastic reply. "10 minutes huh? Well I guess I'll go preform 3 shows, get Bubbles a sibling, fly to the moon, solve world hunger, name a state Applehead, and end all war while I wait. Take your time girl!" I laugh at his sarcasm. He's gotten quite impatient. To be honest, I'm taking a long time on purpose. I plan to keep him annoyed until he sees me in this drop dead gorgeous dress. Oh, I can already imagine the look on his face! He won't know what to do with me.. but Michael Jr. might... "Ok Michael I'm just about ready! 2 more minutes!" I hear a loud groan. He's so impatient it's hilarious!

I let 10 minutes pass before I walk out of the dressing room and into the bedroom. I flip my hair and place my hand on my hip. "Michael~ I'm ready now- WHAT THE HELL!" 


Michael's POV:

I pace back and forth and repeatedly glance at my watch. What's taking this girl so long? We were supposed to leave an HOUR ago! *Sigh* Liz is going to have my head if we miss this event..

I hear Y/N tell me she needs 2 more minutes and let out a loud groan. I'm seriously about to call Liz and tell her we just won't make it. What is this girl doing, putting on human leather? I continue to pace around the bedroom until I hear a knock at the door. "Come in!" I shout. It's probably Bill. I told him to start the car an hour ago and I bet he's been waiting for us to come out all this time. Poor Bill..

"Hi Mikey~" I hear a familiar voice coming from the doorway. I whip around, and see a horrific sight.. my ex girlfriend.. Lisa. "Lisa??? What the heck are you doing here? How did you even get in??" Lisa smirks and walks over to me and licks her lip. Oh gross..

"I missed you Mikey~ You haven't been answering my calls or texts.. I was starting to get lonely baby~" I can smell the cigarettes on her breath. It's enough to make me hurl.. I hate the smell of cigarettes. I back away from her and scoff. "Lisa I blocked you months ago, quit trying. Now, please get out of my home. You aren't welcome here." I say sternly and cross my arms. I'm not in the mood to deal with Lisa's BS. Lisa rolls her eyes and walks closer to me, this time putting her arms over my shoulder and getting all up in my face. "Oh come on babe~ I know you miss me. Remember how much fun we had together? No other girl can please you like I can, and you know that very well." I gag, the smell of cigarettes is suffocating me. Anybody have a gas mask?

I pinch my nose. "Ok Lisa, I'm going to be straightforward with you. I do not miss you, like you, want to be or deal with you, or want to know you. What we were? Is total history. You've got your.. sad, lonely, pathetic life and I have my life. End of story. Ok? Oh and," I reach into my pocket and grab a pack of Certs. "Have a certs, please." Lisa snatches the certs and chucks it across the room. "Alright Michael, I'm tired of the games. I KNOW, you still want me, and here I am, ready to come back to you. So WHY are you being so difficult!" Ohhh she's mad now. She looks like Cruella De Vil right now but.. uglier. I roll my eyes and push her off. "Because, Lisa, not only am I completely over you, but I'm also taken. So, buh bye now!" I turn her around and start pushing her towards the door. "TAKEN?" she shouts. "By who?? You can't replace me!" She spins around and pushes me to the wall, and holds my arms in place. Did this woman really just pin me? That's it. Time to hurl. 

"Michael Jackson, you. Are. Mine. Got that? So whatever $2 hoe you're fucking might as well walk out the door right now!" Ok, now I'm getting pissed. "The only $2 hoe in this room, Lisa, is you. I am NOT yours, and you are NOT welcome here. So for the last time, LEAVE-" I'm cut off by Lisa smashing her lips onto me. Oh God, her lips are so CHAPPED! SOMEBODY GET THIS WOMAN SOME DAMN CARMEX! I try to push her off but despite Lisa being a pain in my groin, she's got some strength. I'm struggling trying to get the girl to let GO, when I suddenly hear another familiar voice shout, "WHAT THE HELL!"

✧𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓲𝓽 𝓲𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓽✧ (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now