😢ℍ𝕚𝕤 𝔸𝕓𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝔾𝕗😢

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"Michael don't you f*cking dare leave me here!! Get back here!!!!"

"Leave me alone!! Don't you dare touch me just leave me alone! How could you?!!"

I run out of my girlfriends house and go as fast as I can, as far as my legs will take me. I can't take it anymore.. she hurt me everyday but this! How could she do this to me? WHY did she do this?! I thought she actually loved me.. well I was wrong! She never loved me! Never! And I was foolish enough to let her get to me! F*CK!!

My eye sight is blurry, my legs feel weak, my body hurts all over.. I don't even know where I'm going.. its pitch black, I can't see a thing. I just want to go away.. I just want this to all be a f*cking nightmare!.. I just want to wake up in someone's arms and they'll tell me everything's ok.. that I'm ok..

That's when it hit me. Desiree. Desiree Jones. My best friend, the girl I've known since the womb. The girl who I sneak out to the gas station with me so we could double up on candy and street food. The girl who once tricked me into skinny dipping with her at summer camp. The girl who would let me cry on her shoulder, and I'd let her cry on mine.. 

I use the last bit of my strength to run to Desiree's house. Once I get to her doorstep I bang on her door. I don't care that it's the dead of night, I need Desiree. I need her now! 

"Desiree! Desiree please, open the door!" I yell. Tears start to trickle down my face as I bang on her door some more. I see a light turn on inside and someone undoes the lock on the door. The door opens, and its none other than Desiree.

"Michael what are you doing?! Do you know what time it is you'll wake up the de-"

I hug Desiree as tight as I can before she finished her sentence. I know I must have startled her but I couldn't help it.. as soon as I hugged Desiree I immediately felt safe again. I felt warm, like the nightmare was over. Desiree hugged me back, I can hear her asking me what's wrong but all I can answer with are sobs. Desiree leads me into her house without breaking the hug. She shuts the door with her foot and hugs me tighter, shushing me softly, telling me everything's ok.


Minutes go by and I've finally calmed down. Desiree lets go of me and holds my face up, with a look of worry I've never seen before. She moves my curly bangs away from my eyes and holds my cheek.

She speaks in a calm voice, her voice so gentle and soft.

 "Mikey.. what happened to you?"

I choke on my sobs, I try to tell her what happened but I can't even begin to explain.

"I-I.. she.. s-she wouldn't.. I couldn't!.." I break down into more sobs. Desiree holds me and rubs my back to calm me down.

When I finish crying, Desiree sits me on the couch and gets me a glass of warm milk.. my favorite. She puts a blanket over me and holds me close again. She massages her fingers through my hair, her touch makes me feel the safest I've ever been.

"Michael.. what happened? Who hurt you?.."

"...She did.."

"Who is "she"?"


Desiree was about to say something, but hesitates. She sighs and holds me tighter.

Her tone is more serious now, but still soft. 

"Michael, what did she do to you?"

"I.. she.."

"Take your time its ok, I'm here for you.."

"...She told me to come over to her house to watch a movie.. she said she wanted to spend time with me.. when I got there and we were watching the movie she said she wanted to try something.. and she started.. she started touching me weirdly.. I told her to stop but she kept insisting there was nothing wrong with it.. she just kept doing it.. then she.."

I swallow the lump in my throat and hold back my tears. I don't want to tell Desiree this.. she'll think I'm disgusting..

Desiree wipes my tears away.

"Michael it's ok, tell me. Don't be afraid.."

"S-She started taking my clothes off.. I pushed her off but she slapped me and pinned me down on the couch and... she kept telling me I liked it.. but I didn't.. I hated it! I wanted her to stop but she didn't she just kept going and it hurt!" Tears were pouring out of my eyes and I gripped the blanket that was on me as tight as I could. I felt so disgusting.. so unclean.. Madonna had done something so unforgivable.. and it was my fault.

"She did.. "things" to me.. I tried to get her to stop but she bound me with my shirt and just kept going.." 

I looked up to see Desiree with tears streaming down her face, she held me my hands and looked me in my eyes. She looked worried, but so angry at the same time.

"I-I can't believe this.. Michael we have to tell the police!"

"No...no, no police!"

"Michael she should be in jail for what she's done! She can't just get away with this, she r*ped you!"

Desiree kept yelling  but I wasn't listening.. my heart sank at her last sentence. She was right.. Madonna did r*pe me.. and just hearing that made me want to die.. I feel so gross.. so filthy.. I feel so angry at her.. but what will going to the police do? They won't even believe me! Madonna's a rich girl and I'm just.. a nobody.. they won't believe me.. she might blame it all on me for all I know..

I feel so broken now.. I'm so f*cking exhausted I can't see straight.. I just want to curl up somewhere and die. I can't face anyone right now. I've been a real fool.. 

I- I don't know what to do now.. what will people think of me now?

My head raced and before I could process anything.. everything went black. I heard Desiree screaming my name but I couldn't see anything.. I couldn't say anything..

What's happening?..

✧𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓲𝓽 𝓲𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓽✧ (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now