😱𝕆𝕙 𝕟𝕠 𝕒 𝕡𝕤𝕪𝕔𝕙𝕠..😱

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Y/N's POV:

A while ago, my boyfriend Michael told me that he feels like someone is always watching him. Like, he's never alone. I didn't think much of it at first, but soon it became clear: Someone was stalking Michael. Knowing this, I became extremely worried about Michael. Even though we've been dating for 3 years, Michael lives all alone. He has no car, and no relatives nearby. He moved out of his families house long ago, and we aren't really ready to move in together yet. 

Michael's had this stalker for about a year and a half. Whoever it is, seems to be very dedicated to getting his attention. They leave letters and gifts at his door. The gifts are usually CD's from his favorite bands and artists, or Disney plushies. The letters are compliments and love confessions to Michael. A few times, the stalker left Michael's favorite KFC meal at his door along with a note that said, "I hope you enjoy this meal Darling. I got it just for you."  That's when we knew he stalker must have been following him even away from his house. 

We've reported this to the police dozens of times but without any cold hard evidence, a case couldn't be opened. No one was harmed, and no property was damaged.

The stalker hasn't tried to kidnap or attack Michael..yet. I keep telling him to buy a security system, but he insists he can't afford it. 

Recently we discovered that the stalker had been following and watching him at work too. Michael works at a café on the other side of town. He's a waiter. One of his co-workers came up to him saying there was a customer who left an envelope for him. In the envelope was a picture of Michael cleaning a table and a note that said "You look so sexy when you're working Darling. I miss you."  So, I started hanging around Michael's job to look out for him, even though he begged me not to so I wouldn't be in danger. 


"Michael.. maybe we SHOULD move in together." I mutter to Michael, who's cooking dinner for the both of us. 

Michael stops what he's doing and looks at my with a sympathetic look. "What? Aw, babe I wish we could, but I can't right now. I need to stick as close to my job as I can, and besides.. it's too risky to do that. That could put you in danger." 

I argue. "Michael this stalker, whoever the hell it is, won't leave you alone! Who knows how long we have before they break into your house and kill you in your sleep? I DON'T want you to get hurt and I DON'T want this as*hole stalker to keep bothering you. Moving in together might help solve the problem! You won't always be alone and vulnerable for the stalker to get!"

"Even if we did move in together babe, odds are that wouldn't make the stalker go away. If they've been stalking me as thoroughly as I fear, then they probably already know about you. Moving in together would just put you in danger and I don't want to risk that." Michael turns back around and continues cooking. I start to get frustrated and huff at him.

"Why are you being so difficult about this? Your life is in danger! It's f*cking pathetic! There's a creepy a*s stalking you and you're ignoring it like it's nothing! You haven't told your family, you haven't tried to get through to the police, you haven't gotten a security system or anything!" At this point, I'm yelling at him. And when I see the hurt look on his face, I instantly regret it. I know Michael's been trying his best to fix the situation, but life hasn't been kind to him, so there wasn't much he could do anyway.

"...Y/N I know you're frustrated, I am too. But please, fighting about this isn't going to solve anything. I promise you I'll think of a solution and deal with the stalker once and for all.. I just need you to trust me, ok?" He hugs me gently and kisses my forehead. I feel tears well up in my eyes. I love Michael so much, more than anyone on this planet.. if he got hurt.. or worse... I don't know what I'd do. I just want him to be safe, to be happy. But I know, even if he won't admit it, he's scared, and that's what makes this whole thing harder. Knowing that the love of my life, is fearing for both of our lives, and it looks as though there's nothing we can do about it..


Michael's POV: 

I try to comfort Y/N about the situation.. but deep down I know that until this stalker is gone for good, she'll be like this, and get worse. I just don't understand.. why is this happening? Everything was finally going well, finally perfect. We were both happy, I was free from the people of my dreaded past, everything was stable.. and now this? What did I do wrong to make this happen? Now the girl of my dreams was suffering because of me.. 

I let go of Y/N and lift her chin so she can look at me. 

"I love you Y/N.." I tell her, looking deeply into her eyes.

"I love you too Michael.." She says with tears in her eyes. I caress her cheek and smile at her, before our lips connect, beginning a passionate kiss. No matter what, I won't let anyone get in the way of me and Y/N.

As we kiss I hear my phone go off. I look over to see, a message from "Unknown"?  I open the message and see a picture of me and Y/N. Kissing. Just now! My heart drops and I look around in fear. I grab Y/N and take her to the bedroom and lock the door. Y/N is asking me what's going on, nearly panicking. The stalker.. they're close, too close. 

Damn it.. What do I do?



Thanks for reading this short part! I hope you enjoyed it, see you guys in the next one!

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