🤨𝕂𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕣 𝔸𝕌 𝟜 (𝕋𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕒)🤨

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A flash of red

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A flash of red. That's all Michael saw before him. A flash of red. Red is his favorite color, he loves the way red looks. From clothing, to objects, to foods, he loves red. The only red he wasn't familiar with, was the red that courses through our veins. He never knew how he felt about that red. But... he did now.

Tatiana flung back in her seat holding her nose, which was dripping red. Prince opened the car door and and ran right out. Michael looked in shock as Prince ran to his side of the car and opened the door, yanking him out. Prince held a firm grip on Michael's arm and ran with him as fast as he could. The road they were on was empty, except for the streetlights and shining of the moon. They were near a dark wooded area, seemed like the perfect place to run away to.

Deep, deep, deep into the woods they went, getting scratched by branches, constantly looking behind them to see if Tatiana was on their trail. "Prince, what are we doing??" Michael asked. "Getting the hell away from her before she kills us both! Run faster!" Michael and Prince ran as fast as their legs could take them. They ran for what felt like eternity, not knowing where they were going. Michael tripped quite a few times, sharp branches slicing onto him as he did, but he never stopped running.

Prince soon began to run out of breath. He slowed down, soon to a complete stop. He hunched over to catch his breath, sweat dripping down his forehead. Michael stopped running and kneeled down to him, thinking he was injured. "Prince! Prince are you ok? What's wrong??" "I..I'm tired.. can't.. run anymore.. but.. we have to keep going.. hah.. hah.." Michael looked around frantically to see if Tatiana was near them. He didn't hear nor see anything but the thick woods. He bit his lip nervously and looked back at Prince. "Come on Prince, we have to hurry! She might be catching up to us! Here, I'll carry you, and we'll-"

Michael stopped to the sound of a snap. A branch snap. Prince looked at Michael with a fearful look, and Michael returned the look. Michael slowly turned his head to the right, to see what the sound was. He saw nothing..

He turned his head to the left, to see what the sound was. He saw...


He looked behind him, fearing he'd see a terror. But there was still nothing. Michael sighed, and laughed to himself. "Nothing... it was probably just.. just some animal.. we're ok. Now.. come on Prince get on my-"


The sound he heard, a loud, sickening, blood curdling sound. The sound... of tearing flesh in one go. He looked back at Prince to see he eyes widened. His pupils shrunk, and his mouth hung open. His face shook, and he looked to be in horrible pain. Blood began to drip out of his mouth, and his body soon fell to his lap. Tears escaped from Michael's eyes once again, and he began to shake. He wanted to scream, he couldn't. He wanted to cry, he couldn't. He couldn't move, he could barely breath, as he saw the life leave his best friend's eyes. 

Michael slowly looked up in front of him, and saw her. Tatiana. She stood above him with a look of fury, with blood to emphasize. She held the knife she used on Lisa, which was now covered in Prince's blood. 

"I guess Prince DID want to die.. how sad." She spoke in a low voice. "Michael... I told you not to run from me... why did you do it? Why did you disobey me?" Michael began to slowly back up into a tree. Tatiana positioned the knife she held, ready to stab him. She walked closer to him, mumbling things. "All I wanted was you.. I just wanted you to be mine.. I saved you from that wh*re and you try to leave me? What did I do to deserve that? I'm your soulmate... how could you try to leave me? You love me don't you?!" Tatiana held the knife high in the air to stab him. He held his arms up to brace himself.. and as he did, something in Michael snapped... 

"Red... I.. I've always.. loved.. red.. red is such a.. a beautiful color.. stands.. for love.. but it also stands... for anger.. and... blood. Lots.. and lots... of... blood..."

A body fell limp to the ground, eyes widened, blood dripping onto the leaves and dirt.

Michael stood over Tatiana's dying body, sharp branch drenched in blood in hand. He watched the blood pour from her body, and began to laugh. Looking at the bloodied bodies of his former friends. He now knew just how much he really loved the color red. All the red he's seen tonight, didn't scare him. He thought it did, but he soon realized. It excited him.

And now he wanted to see more...




✧𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓲𝓽 𝓲𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓽✧ (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now