🤨𝕂𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕣 𝔸𝕌 𝟚 (𝕋𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕒)🤨

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Michael stood there, ear still to the door, frozen with fear. He heard his girlfriend.. and his friend.. in the bathroom together... moaning. Were they f*cking? He prayed they weren't. Michael took his hand to the door knob, debating to himself wether he should open the door or not. He knew he'd have to see the truth to believe, but did he really want to??...

After a few minutes of debating and hearing those noises, Michael slowly and quietly turned the door knob and opened the door just a crack. Enough to see the truth unfold..

In the bathroom he saw Lisa and Tatiana, making out, fully naked. Lisa was on top of Tatiana and on top of Lisa, was Prince. He saw Prince .. doing.. well.. why else would he be on top of her?.. 

Michael didn't even notice the tears pouring down his eyes. He watched as his girlfriend made love with two people he thought he knew. Memories of them all together having fun flashed through his mind and he swore he could hear the memories shatter like broken glass. 

Minutes felt like hours... soon feeling like eternity. Michael couldn't bring himself to leave. He couldn't bring himself to confront them either. He just stood there, hiding behind the door, breaking. 10 minutes must have passed, when Lisa began to speak. "Oh... come on Prince!.. Do it already!.. I can't wait any longer.. I want it! Ohh.." Prince smirked and began licking Lisa's ear. "You want it that bad?.. I didn't even have to tell you to beg for it.. what a sl*t. Right Tatiana?" He looked up at Tatiana who took her tongue out of Lisa's mouth. "Always saying how much she loves Michael.. accusing HIM of cheating... trying to act like she's the best girlfriend in the world... hahahaha what a skank.." 

"You guys are assh*les.." Lisa replied panting. "I wouldn't be doing this... if you hadn't seduced me.." Tatiana rolled her eyes and Prince began laughing. "Seduced you? All we did was start making out and you couldn't help but stick your nasty little hand in your tacky little shorts. Nobody told you to get involved, we didn't invite you, you just did. Acting like you've never got it on before.."

"C'mon Tatiana.. you know why she did it. When's the last time she got some d*ck? Michael's all about 'sex after marriage' remember? No way he'd even sleep in the same BED as Lisa before eloping." It was Tatiana's turn to laugh. Her laughter turned to sighs soon. "Oh Michael... god he's adorable.. sex after marriage.. only a gentlemen would do that. And that's exactly what he is.. a damn..sexy..gentlemen.. and after tonight? He'll be all mine.."

Lisa looked up at Tatiana in confusion. "Hah... YOURS? What the hell do you mean YOURS? He's MY man, not yours!" Prince just kept doing his thing as he watched Tatiana began to boil up. "Yours? You're in here, f*king US. While he's out there, probably looking all over for you. What kind of f*cking girlfriend are you???? A damn trash one, cause you sure as hell ain't a good one!"

Lisa shoved Prince off of her and rose up from on top of Tatiana. "Listen here you little skank... Michael's mine. Ok? Look, all this? This was just.. drunkess! I would never actually want to f*ck you two hoes, let's make that clear. Besides, YOU TWO seduced me anyway! So don't even TRY to make me look like the bad guy." Tatiana got up and tied her hair back. "This b*tch got some nerve... you never even LOVED Michael. You USED him. It was ALWAYS about trying to take advantage of him. ALWAYS! You wanted to take his virginity and his money and then be on your way. Well guess what? After tonight? You'll never even SPEAK to him again. It'll be all over girlie, I promise you that. Michael will finally have the girl who actually GIVES A SH*T ABOUT HIM. INSTEAD OF SOME DISGUSTING, UNFAITHFUL, LITTLE WANNABE!"


That set her off. Tatiana lunged at Lisa. "You dumb... F*CKING B*TCH!!" Tatiana shouted, grabbing a fistful of Lisa's hair and lunging her fist to Lisa's stomach. As she did so, Lisa's face went from rage to horror. Her jaw dropped, and she looked down at her stomach. Prince stood in the corner, covering his wide open mouth with his hand. Tatiana looked into Lisa's eyes. "You should've kept your mouth shut..." The sound of flesh ripping filled the room for a split second as Tatiana took her hand back. Blood began to pour on the floor, and Lisa's body fell limp. In Tatiana's hand, was a kitchen knife. Dripping in blood. 

Tatiana stood over and watched as Lisa took her last breaths, fear struck on her face. She watched as Lisa's eyes went dead, and her last breath left her body. Lisa, was dead. 

"Holy... sh*t... I did.. NOT.. see that coming..." Prince muttered. Tatiana turned and looked at him with an annoyed look. "What???? I mean, I thought you'd like strangle her or something! Or band her head on the tub! I didn't know you had a whole as* knife with you!" Prince shrugged and stared at Lisa's dead body. Tatiana turned the sink on and washed off her knife, smiling to herself. "Well.. the end results are still the same either way. Lisa is dead... and Michael.. is as good.. as.. mine.

"Yeah... well... just don't go stabbing him, alright? I don't want my best friend to be dead. I agreed to help you get him but I made it clear about what would happen if he got hurt." Tatiana flicked water at Prince. "I know, dumbas*. I know. Now.. let's take care of this hoe's body."



ok THIS part is now done, quite the plot twist huh? Yeah well- I kinda was thinking about The Babysitter movie when I did this, AND I was thing about the first Scream movie while I did this as well sooooo... here we are! Hope you enjoyed!



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