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Kendra glared at Diana from across the banquet hall

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Kendra glared at Diana from across the banquet hall. She watched as Diana pushed her breasts up on Michael's arm and giggled like a pubescent school girl at every word that came out of his mouth. Frankly, her behavior disgusted Kendra. Diana was MARRIED and yet here she was shamelessly flirting with someone so much younger than her.

Kendra walked up to Michael and flashed a smile.

"Hey Mike!" She said waving, and eyeing Michael like a fresh piece of meat. Michael looked up at her and instantly grinned.

"Kendra! Where you been girl? I was lookin' all over for you earlier. I almost thought you didn't show!" Michael shook Diana's grip off of him and embraced Kendra. Hugging back, Kendra smirked at Diana who was frowning.

"I lost track of time haha, sorry! Anyways, look at you! You look so handsome, what gives?"

Michael looked at Kendra with slight confusion.

"What do you mean? I'm still in my concert clothes and I'm sweaty.."

Kendra pretended to think then giggled. "Oh that's right I forgot! You're just naturally sexy, silly me." She winked at Michael and he blushed profusely. He covered his face with his hands and sucked his teeth.

"Ahhh Kendraaa.. you're embarrassing me girl!" Kendra and Michael started laughing and having a conversation, and Diana watched it all. She watched as Michael licked his lips while staring at Kendra, and how Kendra touched Michael in flirty ways. It was like they forgot other people were around them. Gritting her teeth Diana slipped off into the ladies room and lit a fresh cigarette.

"Damn b*tch!.. who does she think she is! Flirting with my Michael like that.. damn wh*re.."

Kendra stood at the bathroom door with a smirk on her face. "Oh so I'M the wh*re now.. interesting! Last time I checked, you were the one trying to do two men at once. But hey, what do I know? I'm just the girl, who Michael's already falling for."

Diana threw her cigarette at Kendra's feet and started shouting at her.


NOW Kendra was pissed off. She got into Diana's face and her voice got real low.

"Listen here.. you sl*t. Michael. Is. Mine. I don't know where the hell you got the confidence to try and snatch him from me but I promise you. The next time you even think about talking to him I'll be right behind you with a damn gun to your head, do I make myself clear?"

Diana ignored her and pushed Kendra as hard as she could to the wall. Game f*cking on Diana. Kendra kicked off her heels and grabbed Diana's hair and pushed her down, kneeing her stomach. Diana started screaming and swinging her arms around trying to grab Kendra but failed. The fighting only got more intense and both girls ended up on the floor yelling and throwing hands. People outside started to hear the commotion. Michael and his manager were the first to get to the scene. Frank started yelling for security and Michael started pulling Kendra from on top of Diana."

"KENDRA! GIRL WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING? STOP IT KENDRA, YOU'LL KILL HER STOP IT! KENDRA STOP!!!" Kendra finally let go and whipped her hair back.

"Stay the hell away from my man, you f*cking skank!" Diana lied on the floor weeping and curled into a ball. Her husband just stood in shock with the crowd.

"Kendra what the hell!"

"She tried me, not my fault."

"You could've killed her!"

"Oh shut up and come here!" Kendra yanked Michael to her and smashed her lips onto his. They both melted into the kiss while the crowd gasped and Diana started cursing Kendra out while being dragged out by her husband.


Diana fr tried to say Peter Pan steal yo man but HAH Kendra ain't with the bull!




♥︎LUV YA♥︎


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