😎𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝔸𝕌😎

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Ashanti was on her way home from school, excited to ask her father, Michael, about his date he went on. Things had been rough for him, for Ashanti's mother and him had gotten a divorce when Ashanti was 12. She's 16 now. Ashanti's mother moved away with another man unannounced and they haven't heard from her since.  Ashanti was furious and heartbroken at her mother for leaving them alone like that, and she still is. But today, neither of them think about her mother, they doesn't want to waste their time with her foolishness.

But back to the date. Michael had recently met a new woman who just so happens to be Ashanti's music teacher. They met at Ashanti's Christmas concert and really hit it off since then. Ashanti instantly noticed that her teacher had bit of a crush on Michael. Ashanti, being the little cupid she is, decided it would be a great idea if she asked her music teacher if she could give Michael her number so they could chat. 

And she said yes!

Now Ashanti's music teacher and Michael were currently seeing each other. Going on dates, visiting each other, calling and texting each other, wouldn't be long before they'd become official!


Ashanti quickly made it to her doorstep and unlocked the door with her key. She bust through the door yelling, "Dad! Dad, I'm home! You have to tell me everything about your-"

Ashanti stopped dead in her tracks with her mouth as wide as a trapdoor. What she saw, horrified her.

Her mother, on her tippy toes with her arms wrapped around Michael's neck, trying to kiss him.

"What.. the.. f*ck?!" Shouted Ashanti. She slammed her book bag on the ground and held her arms out in disbelief.

Michael looked to see his daughter outraged, and this was the first time he ever heard her curse. "Ashanti! What- ah!.. Lisa please let go of me." Michael removed Lisa's arms from around him and walked to Ashanti.

"Ashanti sweetie I didn't know you were standing there I'm so sorry.."

"Dad why the hell is she here?!"

"Language honey! She's here because she said she wanted to see the both of us..."

Ashanti glared at Lisa who had a solemn look of guilt on her face. 

" 'Shanti.. sweetheart I'm so sorry I've been gone so long I-"

"I don't want to hear it! You don't belong here, you left us alone! Just go back to whatever man you've been playing tonsil hockey with!" 

Taken back again by her language, Michael scolded Ashanti. "Ashanti! Pardon your French right now!" 

"Ashanti I'm not with any man, I love your father and I always have.."

"Bullsh*t! If you love him so much then why did you cheat on him and then leave us?! Who does that to their own family?! That's just some sick sh*t to do and you know it!"

 "Ashanti that's enough, just calm down." Michael pleaded.

"Ashanti Jackson watch your damn mouth you will not talk to me that way! I am your mother!"

"I believe the correct thing to say would be your just a deadbeat, Lisa!"

Lisa and Michael both gasped and stared at Ashanti in shock. Lisa started fuming with rage and charged towards Ashanti, grabbing her wrist and dragging her up the stairs against her will.

"I will not tolerate that sort of language young lady! You have no right to speak to me that way! Yes, I've made horrible mistakes but are you so blind to not see that I am trying to fix those mistakes?"

"I don't give a sh*t! You left us and didn't think to call or write or send any messages, you just vanished! I waited years for you to come back and you didn't! Now all of a sudden, when dad's finally finding happiness again by seeing a woman who actually deserves him you want to crawl your pathetic as* back in our lives? Hell to the f*cking no!"

Lisa stopped in her tracks and let go of Ashanti. Lisa looked at her with a perplexed expression.

"What.. did you just say?"

Ashanti rolled her eyes. "Which part? That your pathetic or that dad's seeing a woman who actually deserves him!" 

"Who is he seeing?!"

"Someone who deserves him! Duh!"

"Michael!" Lisa stormed back down the stairs and came face to face with Michael.

"Your seeing someone?? Who?!"

"Lisa, calm down for a second and-"


Michael froze. He was confused, because Lisa never met Tatiana. He met her AFTER the divorce with Lisa. They were work buddies.  So.. how did she know her? Michael looked up at Ashanti mouthed for her to go to her room. Ashanti did as she was told and went straight to her room. Michael took a deep breath and looked at Lisa. The tension in the room just got a lot thicker.

"Lisa. I don't know how you know about my co-worker, considering you've never met her. But I for one will NOT tolerate you yelling at MY daughter, and trying to barge into OUR lives. You cheated on ME, you abandoned ME and MY DAUGHTER. Well, we're over that now! We moved on, you need to do the same!  LET IT GO LISA! Just because things didn't work out with your boy toys doesn't mean you can crawl back here and expect open arms! Now, I'd appreciate, if you left my house. Right. Now."

"Michael, baby, don't be upset! Look, whatever woman you're seeing just forget about her you have me back now! You don't need another woman in your life, I'm all you need!" Lisa tried to kiss Michael but he pushed her away.

"I said leave Lisa. Now."

Feeling defeated, Lisa stormed out of the house. But not before vowing she'd get Michael back one day.

Ashanti came out of her room and hugged Michael tightly.

"Ashanti sweetie I'm so sorry you had to see all that.. I don't know what I was thinking, letting her in.."

"Dad it's okay.. it's not your fault.. it's hers."

"Hmm... well.. I take it you want to know about my date with Ms. Honey?"

Ashanti perked up and clapped.

"Tell me everything! Did you guys kiss? Hug? Did you dance in the starlight? Did you sing to her? Details!"

Michael and Ashanti started laughing as Michael told Ashanti about his lovely date with Ms. Honey.

But Ashanti wasn't the only one listening to the story... 

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