ℍ𝕚𝕤 𝔸𝕓𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝔾𝔽 (𝟝)

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Michael's POV:

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Michael's POV:

"She knew you were alone so she swept you off your feet right? Protected you maybe? Made you feel worthy of something?"

"What are you talking about?.."

"How you got involved with her. What, she picks you up off the streets? Meet you at school whilst pretending to be a student?"

"Shut up already.."

"Answer my questions and I will.."

"I'm not answering jack.."

"Fine then. I can do this all day anyway, let the fun begin."


Narrator's POV:

Matt's eyes were red, his lips were moist. He's dripping sweat and his hair is a complete mess. 

For two hours Michael has constantly been trying to break Matt, and it looks as though he's getting close to succeeding. Matt was staring into space, he looked completely lost, done for. Michael walked around him in circles, reading word-for-word text messages Madonna had sent him while he was in the hospital.

"I swear to God if you open your mouth..." 

"I'll kill you got that?"

"You're nothing without me."

"You're useless."

"I only kept you around because I was bored."

"You think anyone will believe you??"

"No one will listen to anything you say."

"You're. A. GUY."

"Guys don't get abused, they immediately think YOU'VE been abusing ME."

"Just you wait, I'll end you for good Jackson."

"Matt, do you think she cares about you?"

Matt said nothing. He stood in silence, staring directly at the wall.

"You think she'll protect you?" Michael held his phone in Matt's face. "This is who she is man! She doesn't love! She doesn't care! She wants to see people hurt! Everything she's done to me I know she's done to you so would you please! Please.. stop protecting a devil! The moment you do everything she's told you to do she'll destroy you. Do you think she'll stop at me? Once she's gotten rid of me she'll go right for you. Maybe she'll say you helped me. Maybe she'll say you abused her too! I mean, we're guys! Right? Guys don't get abused! That's what she said, and everything she says is right, right?"

Tears were streaming down Matt's face. Every painful moment he spent with Madonna is flashing through his mind and it feels as though all his deep scars are opening. All his wounds, bleeding. Matt knew that Michael was right, but what choice did he have? Madonna was all he had. No family, no friends, no home. Without Madonna he'd either be on the streets or behind bars, he was low on options. There were times when he thought his only way out was to end it all but he knew his death would be portrayed as him being the villain. Madonna can convince anyone and everyone. She's everyone's favorite princess.. who is he?

"Matt, it's not worth living in this hell. It's not worth hurting yourself to make the pain go away, it's not worth hurting other people just to at least try to satisfy her knowing you never will." Michael put his hand on Matt's shoulder. "Help us, Matt. Help us stop Madonna from ever hurting anyone ever again. Please. I promise, if you help us, you won't have to be scared of her or touched by her ever again. Just.. please.. please help us. If not for us, not for me, then for you."

Matt slowly turned his head to look at Michael. A smirk rose on his face, and he began to chuckle. Tears were streaming down his face but strangely enough, he looked happy. Pained, but happy. Michael removed his hand from Matt's shoulder and took a step back. "You know what.... you're right. It's not worth it... it's not f*cking worth it. I've done all this sh*t for her.. what has she done for me?.." Matt sat back down. "I.... won't help you."

"What.. what do you mean? Matt, please. Madonna has to be stopped, we need you! You just said it yourself it's not worth-" Matt cut him off. "I'll help myself." Michael struck a confused expression. Help himself? What did he mean by that? "You have nothing on me. You can't keep me here. So let. Me. go."

Michael looked up to the window where Officer Greenway was watching them. She sighed and nodded, signaling they had to let him go. He was right, they didn't have anything on them. This was just standard questioning. Greenway could see that Michael had broken Matt, but she wasn't expecting this reaction. She wondered why he'd leave instead of helping them as a note of revenge for himself. What was he doing?

Matt got his things, walked out of the interrogation room, and headed toward the exit of the station. Before he walked through the door, he turned to Michael, and blankly said, "We both went through the same sh*t... and you're the one playing the hero. Meanwhile, I'm still a villain? Bullsh*t man.. well if I'm going to remain the villain.. I'll do it right this time. See ya later, Victim number 3." 


"Why did we let him walk? He was our chance to put Madonna down! I was this close, he almost broke!" Michael was deeply frustrated. A chance to stop Madonna once and for all slipped through his hands and now they were back to the drawing board. He figured he hadn't yet broken Matt.. but little did he know he did more than break him. He awakened him.

"You did break him Michael... you broke him good.. but now I've got a bad feeling about what he's going to do now that he's broken.."

"...What do you think he'll do?"







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