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Samantha Gilmore grew up surrounded by luxury and comfort. She has everything a child could possible want: adoring grandparents, a loving best friend, great teachers. She even has a butler for goodness sake. But Samantha has always felt an emptiness that is unnatural for a ten year old. The youngest Gilmore wants what every orphan dreams of--her parents. 

Samantha was five when her grandparents sat her down and explained that her mom and dad died in a terrible fire. When she asked for pictures, they regretfully told her that they were consumed by the flames. Ironic right? Samantha stayed busy to keep herself from thinking about her parents. The active girl is, in true Gilmore fashion, an avid leader, all-A student, and the one person in her family with any musical talent. 

Samantha loves her life. She doesn't want anything to change. What will happen when her birth mother comes back to her parents' house begging for money for her other daughter--the one she kept? What will Samantha do when she finds out her parents aren't really dead? How will Samantha react when her world is turned upside down? 

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