A Retired Richard

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Samantha Gilmore has spent nearly every waking hour with her grandfather for the past two weeks. What happened fourteen days ago, one may ask. Richard Gilmore retired. That is what happened and now he is very, very bored. This leads us to where the grandfather-granddaughter duo is now.

"Make sure you don't drop the snowcones," Samantha called over her shoulder as she and Richard maneuvered around several people's legs, trying to find a seat in the baseball stadium.

"Don't worry," Richard responded as he held the snowcones, foam fingers, and popcorn. "I've got everything."

"B17 and B18," Samantha read the number on the seats and then looked down at their tickets, "Papa I found them!"

"Wonderful," Richard handed his granddaughter her cherry snowcone before sitting down next to her, dumping all their things in front of them. Samantha grinned, adjusting her Boston Red Sox cap on her head so it was shielding the sun from her eyes. "Mhm," Richard hummed in delight as he took a bite of his blue raspberry snowcone. "This is quite good."

"I told you," Samantha teased before the speaker came on.

"On the visiting side we have Jared Carkuff playing for the Chicago Cubs," the sports announcer spoke, making the cub's side of the stadium roar with applause.

"Don't clap for him!" Samantha shoved her grandfather's hands back on his lap. "That's the opposing side."

"Oh," Richard let out, slightly startled. "So we aren't supposed to cheer for the other side?"

"Have you ever been to a baseball game?"

"Haha," Richard rolled his eyes before asking, "Who are we supposed to cheer for then?"

Samantha opened her mouth to answer but she was cut off by the announcer. "And on the home side, we have Ted Williams batting for the Boston Red Sox!"

"For them," Samantha nodded her head at the team coming out to the stadium before letting out a loud whoop, her grandfather doing the same.


Samantha cheered, holding her foam finger above her head, as Ted Williams came up to bat. "Hit me a foul ball, Teddy!"

"Samantha," Richard started as he looked at his granddaughter. "You do know the odds of him hitting you a foul ball are one in a million, right?"

"Yes," Samantha nodded. "But I choose to see the positive."

"Good for you," Richard grinned before leaning back in his seat. "We need more people in the world like you, Sam."

"Fingers crossed that my clone machine works," Samantha joked, making Richard give her a confused look. "I was just messing with you."

"Ah," Richard nodded, laughing. "I see now."

"Oh, here he goes," Samantha pointed at number nine, who was swinging his bat back and forth.

"Strike one!" the announcer declared, making Samantha and Richard let out a groan.

"Let's stand up," Samantha pulled her grandfather to his feet, "to see better."

"Good idea," Richard nodded before cringing. "Oh dear, that's strike two."

"Hit me a foul ball, Teddy!" Samantha shouted again, waving her hands in the air before adding, "But not too hard."

"Oh my goodness," Richard put a hand over his eyes to shield the sun as he saw a ball heading their way. "It's coming over here!"

"Oh," Samantha bounced up and down, "Papa give me a boost!"

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