Building bridges and breaking them

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It was an understatement to say Samantha was shocked when her grandparents told her she was going to be spending her spring break with her father in Stars Hollow. Not only that but the unlikely trio of parents had developed some sort of scheme so that the Gilmore girl would get to spend time with Luke on a regular basis. While the 11-year-old would love nothing more than to get to know her dad more, she didn't want things to change. Samantha didn't have good experiences with change. The last time things she let things change she found out her aunt was her mother and her cousin was her sister!

This master plan her grandmother, grandfather, and dad had come up with would start on spring break, which was two weeks from now, and continue indefinitely. Every week Samantha would switch between staying at Luke's Diner and the Gilmore residence, two very different homesteads. That's why they were waiting until spring break to start. Her grandparents needed to work out the school details with Chilton and Stars Hollow. The youngest Gilmore never thought she'd say this but next year she'll be a Minutemen, Stars Hollow's school mascot. Samantha was brought out of her thoughts by the stereo coming on.

"Stop worrying about your insanely complicated family problems and dance with us!" Lucy yelled, over the Taylor Swift song, that was currently blasting from the radio, as she grabbed her friend's hands and tugged her to her feet. Samantha let out a laugh as she was suddenly spun around before grabbing three hairbrushes and tossing the other two to Archie and Lucy. The small brunette jumped around the room as the inseparable trio belted out the lyrics.

Baby, we're the new romantics

Samantha let out a snort as Archie pranced toward her, doing a horrible interpretation of the running man.

Come on, come along with me

The 11-year-old grinned as the Brown boy grabbed her hands and pulled her toward him.

Heartbreak is the national anthem

The two kids giggled wildly as they took hold of each other and galloped across the room, Lucy laughing at their childishness.

We sing it proudly

The Brown girl let out a squeal as, out of nowhere, her hands were grasped on both sides.

We are too busy dancing

The three friends laughed, without a care in the world, as they kept their hands interlocked and spun around in circles.

To get knocked off our feet

Samantha and Lucy erupted in laughter as Archie started to get dizzy and toppled over onto the bed.

Baby, we're the new romantics

The duo was caught by surprise when they were unexpectedly pulled onto the mattress as well.

The best people in life are free

Before Archie could get revenge, they heard Archibald yell at them from downstairs to shut up, just making them burst into laughter again.


"Try not to smudge it," Lucy warned, as she painted Samantha's ring finger. "That's my blood, sweat, and tears in there."

"Wouldn't dare to," the Gilmore girl laughed as she blew on her nails to help them get dry quicker. She looked behind her to Archie, who was struggling to paint his toenails. "How are you doing over there, Archfiend?"

"I don't get why I have to do this," the 11-year-old huffed as he threw his right hand in the air dramatically. Samantha and Lucy couldn't help but chuckle when they saw that his nails were painted blue. "Isn't painting nails for girls?"

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