Unwanted changes

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Blue...red...white. Lights cut through the darkness blinking and blaring. Samantha sat in the back of an ambulance, telling the police officers her version of what happened as her family swarmed around her. Lucy and Archie were in another ambulance, making sure they had no injuries, as Samantha had already been checked. Shockingly, the girl was unscathed, physically at least.

The robbers had gotten away, going out the back door and getting into a car parked behind the Brown house which left everyone unsettled. The police were firing questions left and right and Samantha struggled to answer them all without crying. She had to stay strong. She wasn't the one who lost her parents tonight. She had to be strong for her friends.

Samantha will never forget the way her mother hugged her, like she was her life raft. Like holding the girl was the only thing keeping her from drowning. The faces of her grandparents, their wide, horrified eyes as they watched their granddaughter dangle from the tightrope of death, their feet rooted to the ground. It was like they had been frozen, like they were stuck in slow motion, unable to move. And Rory, her sweet big sister, had a look of pure horror on her face as she watched the scenes of the night unfold.

But Samantha couldn't think about them. No. All she could think about was Archie and Lucy's parents. Every time she closed her eyes she saw them, their faces white and their eyes wide open. The emptiness and lifelessness inside those previously warm eyes would haunt the girl forever. She could still see the bullet holes enrusted in her friend's parents brains. She could still smell the thick and metallic stench of blood. Even though Lorelai had tried to wipe the blood off her, Samantha could still feel it everywhere. She could feel it on her skin, caked in her hair. Samantha felt blood all over her.

"Samantha," an officer called, bringing her out of her thoughts and snapping her back to the present. "Samantha, can you hear me?"

"Oh, yeah," Samantha chuckled humorlessly as she reached a hand up to rub her temple, feeling a headache forming. "Sorry."

"It's fine," the officer said before continuing with the questions. "You said that you, Archie, and Lucy were hiding in the bathroom when all of this happened, correct?"

"Yeah," Samantha's lips parted, the word coming out hoarse from all the screaming she did as she nodded. "Yeah, we hid in the bathtub while they were questioning Archie and Lucy's parents."

"Do you remember what they were asking them about?"

"Yes, I remember everything," Samantha responded slowly, ignoring the looks of sadness she was getting from her family as she continued with her recount. "They came for money, t-that's why they were there. And when Archie and Lucy's parents didn't give it to them... they shot them."

"Was there any clues as to why the robbers were going after the Brown's? Did you hear anything else?"

"They weren't going after the Brown's," Samantha stated, causing the police officer's eyebrows to shoot up to her hairline as everyone exchanged looks of shock. "They were going after the Gilmore's."

"Wait, what?" Lorelai was the first to speak up, clearly confused.

"Archie and Lucy's parents weren't the target," Samantha explained as the police officer scribbled notes on her notepad furiously. "Me, Grandmary, and Papa were. They went to the wrong house."

"How do you know all this?" Richard asked, speaking for the first time since everything started. "What did they say?"

"They kept asking where the kid was," Samantha shrugged, acting way too nonchalant for her family's liking. "At that point, they had already shot Archie and Lucy's dad so they were talking to the mom. They knew the Gilmore's were a wealthy older couple living with their granddaughter. It seemed their plan was to..." Samantha started, blinking rapidly as she tried to get the words out. "Their plan was t-to kill me, Grandmary, and Papa and steal our money. They just went to the wrong house."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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