Cross my heart

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"This is a major dilemma Archibald, we need to take it seriously," Samantha stated as she placed both her hands on the table and stood up from her chair.

Archibald huffed in exasperation before objecting, "What to have for breakfast is not a 'major dilemma' Samantha. It's not even in the ballpark."

"How dare you!" Samantha gasped, feigning hurt as she put a hand over her heart. Archibald rolled his eyes as the girl continued. "Breakfast replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing essential nutrients for good health. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!"

Archibald just gawped at the girl for a couple of seconds, obviously not expecting such a quick-witted answer. He should really learn to stop doubting the 10-year-old. The middle-aged man grumbled under his breath as he got up to go fetch the computer.

"You really need to start letting him win some arguments, Sam" Lucy advised as she playfully shoved the girl with a grin.

"Well that would be no fun," Samantha smirked back.

"You know you could let me pick out what to have for breakfast for once," Archie complained from across the table, making both girls glare at him.

"You picked last week," Lucy waved him off, making the boy cross his arms and pout. He turned his head toward the Gilmore girl, Samantha's eyes widening comically when she realized he was giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"Oh no. Archfiend! Don't look at me like that," Samantha shielded her face from the boys' big, innocent hazel eyes. Archie kneeled down on the floor in front of the two girls before clasping his hands together and looking up at them.


Samantha and Lucy exchanged a look before the former finally cracked.

"Ugh! Fine! But it needs to be something festive since it's Christmas Eve," the Gilmore girl asserted, wagging her finger at the curly-haired boy.

"YES!" Archie exclaimed as she jumped up with his hands raised above his head.

Samantha chuckled as she heard the buy whooping the whole way back to the kitchen where Archibald was set up with the computer, to pick out breakfast. She turned around, her eyebrows furrowing when she got a look at her mischievous-looking best friend.


"You totally like him, don't you?" Lucy suggested, making Samantha let out a snort.

"Archie? Are you kidding? Over my dead body," Samantha snarked before standing up and going to the kitchen, Lucy right on her heels.


Guys, I found something!" Archie interrupted, jumping up and down excitedly in front of the computer. A proud-looking butler sitting behind him.

"Well, what is it?" Lucy asked as she and Samantha stepped toward the pair.

The Archie's exchanged an excited glance before they turned the computer around to show them what they were having for breakfast. Lucy looked like she was going to gag while Samantha looked like she was regretting all her life decisions.



"That was the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten," Samantha complained as she held her stomach tightly.

"Yeah, one would think Archie would realize that a hamburger with a buttload of whipped cream and ketchup makes one sick!" Lucy growled angrily from her place sitting in front of the toilet.

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