The truth revealed

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"I can't believe we had a daughter and you didn't tell me! I've had a kid walking around in Hartford for 10 years, Lorelai!" Luke fumed as he threw his hands up in the air. "How could you do this to me?"

"Luke, I'm so sorry--"

"Oh, no. You don't get to say you're sorry! You don't get to say anything!"


"You come into my diner every day, Lorelai. You barge in and demand unhealthy amounts of coffee and junk food on a daily basis. You let me help you raise your oldest daughter that wasn't even my own, yet you send the one that was actually my kid away to another city without even telling me!"


"Why didn't you tell me, Lorelai? Why?" Luke asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"I don't know, okay!" Lorelai exploded as she ran a hand through her hair, slightly startling Luke. The brunette woman looked like she was on the verge of having a mental breakdown. "I don't know why I did it, and I regret it more than anything. I want my daughter back, but none of us are going to get to keep her if she dies, Luke!"

"Dies? Why would she be dying?" Luke questioned, his anger quickly turning into fear.

"Samantha isn't doing well, Luke. She's holding on by a loose thread. The doctor said that if she doesn't get a kidney transplant soon then she- she'll..." Lorelai couldn't even finish the sentence before she burst into tears. Luke watched the blubbering woman with concerned eyes as she took a few steps closer to him and grasped his hand. "Please, Luke, you're our daughter's only chance. I need you to go to the hospital with me and get tested to see if you are a match for the kidney." Before Luke could respond, Lorelai continued. "Don't do it for me, do it for Samantha."

Luke huffed before going past the sobbing woman, over to the door. Lorelai turned around, letting out a sigh of relief at his next statement. "All right. I'll do it, for Samantha."


Lorelai and Luke looked as though they were on a warpath as they trailblazed their way through the hospital. However, the duo was stopped in their tracks at the sight that greeted them when they entered the foyer. A team of doctors and nurses were surrounding a stretcher that held a catatonic 11-year-old. The horrified parents were frozen to their spot as they watched one of the doctors pull out paddles from the crash cart and place them on Samantha's little chest.

"Charge," one of the doctors commanded as everyone pulled their hands away. "Clear."

Lorelai let out a strangled cry as she watched her daughter's lifeless body jolt upwards. Luke, pushing away his anger at the woman temporarily, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled the wailing brunette into his chest. Lorelai clutched his jacket like it was her lifeline as she heard the paddles go off again behind her. And then, like an answered prayer, she heard a gasp.

Samantha's eyes were wide as she looked around at all the unfamiliar people circling around her, the circle getting bigger and bigger by the second. The panic in her big blue orbs was evident as she tried to peek over their heads for a familiar face. Relief flooded the girl's features when she spotted Lorelai sprinting toward her, a familiar diner owner right on her heels.

"Let me through!" Lorelai yelled as she pushed her way through the doctors.

"Move!" Luke shouted as he was also trying to get to his daughter.

Samantha wheezed slightly as two bodies crashed into her with a surprising amount of force. The Gilmore girl would've expected this from Lorelai but why was Luke hugging her? The 10-year-old decided, for the time being, to swallow her questions and hug the clingy adults back.

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