I'm fine, she said like a liar

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"I don't know why I keep letting you talk me into things like this," Samantha sighed, looking up at her cousin. The dynamic duo was once again outside of Doosey's market at a concerning hour of the night for such a small town. What was even more worrisome was that the 12-year-old was holding chalk and police tape. "So what's the plan?"

"Hand me the supplies and then lie down," Jess instructed as he held his hands out.

"Okay..." Samantha gave him an odd look before laying down on the pavement. "You know we should probably try to hurry in case Kirk tries to be town security again."

"You're right," Jess nodded as he grabbed a white piece of chalk.

Samantha giggled as he started to draw around her body, "That tickles."

"Stay still," Jess tried not to laugh. "I'm trying to murder you."

"Excuse me?!"

"Relax, we're just gonna freak Taylor out. It's funny when he gets all antsy."

"That's true," Samantha agreed. "It's entertaining when his mouth flaps up and down like a fish and his eyes are all wide and shocked."

"All done," Jess dusted his hands off on his pants as he got up, motioning for his cousin to do the same.

"Huh," Samantha and Jess tilted their heads to the side as they looked at their handiwork. "It needs something more."

"Police tape?" Jess held up a roll of caution tape.

"Exactly," Samantha grinned as she plucked it out of his hands. "Help me with the tape," she continued as she passed one end of the tape to him and started to unwind it. The 12-year-old let out a soft giggle, making Jess furrow his eyebrows.

"What's so funny?"

"I'm just imagining the look on Taylor's face when he finds this tomorrow," she laughed before asking. "Where did you even get police tape and chalk on such short notice anyway?"

"Stole it from a cop," Jess shrugged, making Samantha's eyes bulge out of her head.


"I'm kidding," he held his hands up in surrender. "I got it from the Halloween store."

"And you paid for it?" Samantha raised an eyebrow.

"How is that relevant?" Jess retorted as he ripped the tape off and stood back to admire their work.

"I can't believe you--uh oh," Samantha cut herself off when she looked up to see a wrathful diner owner coming toward them.

"Samantha! Jess!" Luke called out to them as he stalked toward them.

"Crap!" Samantha hit Jess's arm repeatedly. "He's gonna kill us!"

"Would you stop hitting me?" Jess snapped as he slapped her hand away before instructing. "You go left and I'll go right. That way he can't get both of us."

"Ah," Samantha tapped her head. "Pulling a scooby doo. I see what you're doing," she started running in the opposite direction before calling over her shoulder, "Let's just hope that the big, bad diner owner doesn't catch us!"


Samantha's side felt like it was on fire as she ran through the narrow streets of Stars Hollow. Her feet felt numb as sweat trickled down her back and neck. She had lost track of how long she'd been running. The speedy 12-year-old lost Luke ages ago but that didn't stop her from moving. Where could she go for refuge? She couldn't go to her dad, she just ran away from him. She couldn't go to the Lorelai's, and she couldn't go to her grandparents. She had no one. Samantha had never felt more alone. That was until she ran into a certain chef.

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