A Christmas Miracle

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On the night before Christmas, Samantha Gilmore jolted awake when she felt a familiar tingle run down her spine. The 12-year-old slipped on her house shoes and shawl before creeping downstairs. The blond couldn't help but smile slightly as she snuck past the living room to see Archibald snoring in the armchair. He probably fell asleep watching a soap opera again. Samantha looked around before slowly opening the door and stepping outside. Once in the safety of the lawn Samantha pulled her cardigan tighter around her body before sprinting across the grass to the Brown manor.

Samantha held a few small pebbles in her hand as she padded around the outside of the large mansion over to Lucy and Archie's window. She held the rock up to her eye, squinting at it, before throwing it at the glass. When there was no response she threw the second pebble, and then the third, and then the fourth. And when Samantha finally threw the last pebble the window opened.

"What do you want?!" Archie whisper-yelled, not wanting to wake up his parents as Lucy came behind him.

"It's three in the morning!"

"Come down here," Samantha motioned for them to join her. The Brown siblings exchanged a glance before Lucy turned around and got out a rope made out of bedsheets and threw it out of the window. Samantha held the bottom of the DIY rope as her friends climbed down. Once they were safely on the ground Samantha threw it back into the window, making it shut.

"So what was so important that it couldn't wait until daylight?" Archie hissed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Don't have a cow Archfiend," Samantha shot back before she sniffed the air. The Gilmore girl smiled as a familiar scent invaded her nostrils. She was right.

"Come here," the blond dragged her friends beside her, hooking both her arms through theirs.

"I'm turning numb," Archie complained as Samantha kept walking.

"Keep moving, Archfiend."

"I think I'm blacking out," Lucy commented, though her friend ignored her as she kept on dragging the siblings behind her. Samantha stopped in her tracks, subsequently halting the two grumpy 12-year-olds with her.

"I smell snow," the Gilmore girl grinned as she wound her arms around her friends.

"That's ridiculous," Archie shook his head, "according to all the weathermen snow isn't supposed to come until early January--"

The Brown boy cut himself off when little white flurries began to fall from the sky and onto their hair. Lucy and Archie exchanged a glance as Samantha continued to look up at the sky with a big smile plastered across her face. The two siblings cuddled closer to their friend to keep warm as they both leaned their heads on each of her shoulders. The Gilmore girl tightened her hold on her friends as a snow droplet fell on her nose.

"So... do you two have anything to say to me?" Samantha asked, looking between her friends.

"Yes," Lucy nodded before Archie picked up the rest of the sentence.

"Can we please go inside now?!"


"Samantha," Richard Gilmore put down his newspaper, a grin lighting up his face, as his youngest granddaughter walked in through the back door. "What have you been up to on this fine snowy day?"

"Archie, Lucy, and I just had a snowball fight and we also built a snowman," Samantha smiled back. "We named her Hilda."

Richard chuckled at the 12-year-old's creativity before patting his lap, "Come sit with me for a second." The blond grinned before hopping onto her grandfather's lap, looking up at him with big blue eyes.

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