The Beginning of the End

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It had been three weeks since the incident with Richard, and Samantha was exhausted. She was constantly worrying about him, not letting him do anything on his own, she'd even tried to make him take her to work with him so if anything went wrong she would be there. He actually started to say yes, saying something about needing a secretary, but then Emily stepped in and said no on his behalf. Lorelai and Rory had both become strangely overprotective of the youngest Gilmore since Richard's hospital visit. The Lorelai's had never seen Samantha so stressed and burnt out before so they tried to help her as much as they could if she would even let them.

Lately, the 10-year-old had been having trouble concentrating. Samantha had been suffering from throbbing headaches for weeks but, of course, she didn't want to take the attention away from her grandfather so she kept it to herself. Although she did tell Lucy, who had been sworn to secrecy and who had also been slipping her Advils. They never seemed to help and Samantha often felt a wave of nausea whenever she tried to eat something. She'd been giving her food to Archibald for the past few days. But tonight was Friday night dinner, so she'd have to put on a convincing performance to make everyone think she was fine.

Because she was... wasn't she?


Samantha smoothed her dress out as she stood in front of her full-length mirror. The Gilmore girl let out a sigh as her eyes ran over her face and body. Combining the girl's deathly pale complexion, the blemishes around her eyes, and her scarily underweight figure: the 10-year-old looked like a walking skeleton.

The girl's eyes widened in panic as she saw a line of red trickle down from her nose. Samantha cupped her hands over her nose with shaky fingers as hurried out of the room. As she stumbled over to the hallway, she didn't even notice that she had passed Rory and Lorelai in the foyer. Her alarm only grew when she heard Lorelai ask if she was okay, accompanied by the sound of soft footsteps following her. Crap, crap, crap.

Samantha's eyes began to burn as another wave of dizziness crashed over her, and she had to steady herself against the wall before continuing. The Lorelai's exchanged a concerned glance as they saw blood seeping through the girl's ghostly white hands. Lorelai sped ahead, Rory right on her heels before calling out to the girl. "Samantha, honey, hold on for a second."

The only answer she got was the slam of the bathroom door, only furthering her worry.


Samantha could feel Lorelai's eyes burning holes into her head as she slowly sat down next to her at the dinner table. She avoided eye contact with the Lorelai's, instead putting her focus on her grandfather.

"Papa, how was your day today? Did you take your medicine?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, making her grandfather chuckle as her grandmother smirked slightly. Sometimes it was hard to tell who was the adult and who was the child when it came to Richard and Samantha.

"It was lovely, Samantha. And, yes, I did. The ice cream you added to my lunch was a very nice surprise," he answered, making Samantha grin.

"Ice cream? Richard you're supposed to be eating healthy food," Emily scolded, making the older man huff.

Samantha was rudely brought out of the conversation by an elbow jabbing into her side. The 10-year-old winced slightly, putting her hand over the sensitive spot, before turning to look at a worried-looking Lorelai.


"Don't 'what' me," Lorelai whisper-yelled, making the girl give her a bewildered look.

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