Like mother, like daughter

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Samantha put her hair in a low ponytail as she skipped downstairs to start her shift.

"Lucas!" she went over to where her father was talking to Lorelai and put her hands on her hips, "I want to man the register today."

"You want to do what?"

"I want to press the buttons that open the thingy with the bills inside," she simplified it down for him, making her mom chuckle.

"I know what you meant," Luke rolled his eyes. "Are you sure you're ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready--" she started before cutting herself off. "Wait, do I have to talk to Taylor?"

"Not for a couple of hours," Luke shrugged. "He normally comes in around twelve."

"Ah yes," Samantha nodded, "after scaring away all the children."

"Oh no," Lorelai cut in. "He scares the children after noon, before twelve he bosses around all the senior citizens."

Samantha laughed before catching sight of a certain manchild entering the diner. "Oh, Kirk!" she called out to him. "I got the star-shaped cookie cutter for your french toast."

"Yes!" Kirk threw his arms above his head, making the blond laugh. "Victory lap!" he yelled before running over to the 12-year-old, picking her up, and running around the diner.

"They make an odd pair," Lorelai observed as she watched them sprint past Taylor, the market owner going after them and waving his hands in the air.

"Yeah," Luke nodded. "They do."


"Hey Sookie," Samantha called from where she was cutting up strawberries in the chef's kitchen. "Where are the sponge cake cups?"

"Check the drawer to the left," Sookie said as she came in behind her.

"Aha!" Samantha grinned as she got them out. "Now I just have to make the marinade."

"You're getting a lot better at cooking," Sookie complimented as she rolled her sleeves up to help her, Jackson also joining them in the kitchen. "When we started you couldn't even hold a knife."

"Hey!" Samantha yelled offended, "I held the knife, I just dropped it right after I picked it up."

Sookie and Jackson laughed before the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Sookie said as she went to answer before calling over her shoulder, "Jackson, help Samantha with the strawberries."

"You heard her," the Gilmore girl pointed to the ingredients. "1/4 cup of sugar Jackie."

"You're so bossy," Jackson grumbled as he mixed the marinade.

"What are you talking about?" Sookie questioned, obviously talking to someone, making Samantha and Jackson give each other a confused glance. "It'll be like a big slumber party!"

"Sookie, what's going on?" Jackson asked as his girlfriend walked into the kitchen followed by the twin terrors, making Samantha grip her knife harder.

"Samantha," Lorelai furrowed her eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Samantha repeated, making Lorelai roll her eyes.

"I asked you first."

"Answer the question."

"Answer mine."

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