Waiting, waiting, waiting

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Samantha Gilmore had been in the hospital for a little bit over a month now. The doctor's kept saying that once she got a kidney donor she would be out of here. "Have hope Samantha, you'll get out of here in no time," they'd say, with a perfunctory smile and be off to do their rounds. The youngest Gilmore believed them for the first few days. She believed them for the first few weeks. But by the end of her third week, staring at the same bland walls in her depressing hospital room, the 10-year-old's faith had dwindled down to the size of a mustard seed. She was never going to get out of this hospital.

Samantha wanted nothing more than to go home. She wanted to have afternoon tea with her Grandmary on the back porch. She wanted to dance to a Chuck Berry record with her Papa in the middle of the living room. She wanted to have another sleepover with Lucy, and she wanted to chase Archie around her grandparent's real estate. She wanted to play princess tea party with Archibald, again. And she wanted to have another day to waste with Lorelai and Rory. But sometimes you don't get everything you want, because Samantha couldn't even get out of bed let alone do all of those things.

The Gilmore girl sighed when woke up to see Lorelai, yet again, asleep by her bed. Ever since Samantha had been admitted to the hospital, the older woman had refused to leave her side for more than a few hours at a time. Her grandparents would be doing the same thing if Samantha would let them, but she knew that Richard and Emily weren't getting any younger, and she didn't want to cause them any unnecessary pain/soreness. And the hospital chairs were EXTREMELY painful.

"Good morning," Lorelai smiled tiredly, as she lifted her head and looked up at Samantha.

"Morning," Samantha yawned, as she put a hand over her mouth. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"About three hours. These hospital chairs have it out for me," Lorelai joked, making the small brunette go into another lecture.

"You know, you could sleep in your own bed. Just because I can't sleep in mine doesn't mean--"

"Yes it does," the older woman cut her off immediately. "I'm not going home until you go home."

Samantha's eyes softened before she reached over and grabbed the brunette's hand. "Thank you. It means a lot." In response to her gratitude, Lorelai simply grinned at the girl before pecking her hand lovingly. The pair were brought out of their thoughts by Sookie barging in with a basket of food. Ever since the youngest Gilmore had been inhibited, the red-haired cook had made herself a frequent hospital visitor. The staff loved her because she brought them muffins sometimes.

"Sookie!" Samantha squealed, her face visibly brightening as the older woman walked toward her.

"Hey, sweetie," Sookie smiled as she hugged the tiny girl tightly. "I brought your favorite."

"Nuh-uh," Samantha gasped as she opened the basket. "Sookie St. James, I think you just became my favorite person."

"Hey!" Lorelai shouted offended, but only got both of them to wave her off. The pleasant mood soon turned bitter as Samantha brought a piece of cheese and crackers to her mouth. The 10-year-old swallowed thickly as she felt bile rise up in her throat. Not wanting to hurt Sookie's feelings, the Gilmore girl shoved the food in her mouth and gave the peppy woman a thumbs up. Samantha's eyes widened in horror as she felt herself involuntarily start dry heaving. Lorelai reached behind her and picked up a trashcan, putting it under the small brunette just in time for the girl to vomit her lunch from yesterday ago into it. Samantha panted tiredly as the older woman wiped her mouth with a washcloth before looking up at a guilty-looking Sookie.

"I am so sorry--" Sookie started to apologize, only for Samantha to cut her off.

"It's not your fault," the younger girl shook her head with a sad smile. "This happens every time I try to eat anything. You couldn't have known."

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