Always in last place

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It wasn't hard for Samantha to avoid Friday night dinners. Technically she was in no obligation to attend as she wasn't the child that was part of the deal. While all Emily Gilmore wants is for her family to be united and whole once again, she is aware of the pain that it causes for her (in her opinion) perfect granddaughter. She normally strict woman had always had a soft spot for the youngest Gilmore. So this is how Samantha ended up in the kitchen making popcorn for Archie, Lucy, and herself for movie night.

"I think we should watch clueless," Lucy exclaimed as Samantha dumped the freshly popped popcorn into a large bowl.

"You only want to watch clueless because you like Paul Rudd. We should watch Star Wars," Archie argued back as he stole a handful of popcorn from the bowl.

"I want to watch it because of the fabulous outfits, Paul Rudd is just a bonus."

"Ladies, ladies," Samantha waved her hands around, silencing them. "I vote for Clueless so majority rules!" She stuck her tongue out at Archie as she and Lucy passed him, the Brown boy copying her movements. The trio made their way into the living room, not noticing that they just went by the twin terrors, as Archie threw a piece of popcorn into Samantha's mouth.

"Score!" the 12-year-old raised her arms above her head in victory, making her friends giggle. The trio was brought out of their moment by arguing coming from the stairs. Samantha turned around, a grin overtaking her face when she realized it was her grandparents. "Screw Clueless! The Emily and Richard show is on!"

"My favorite!" Lucy clapped her hands together before they all sat down in front of the stairs, watching the scene play out as they ate their popcorn.

"I didn't know my every conversation needed to be reported to you," Richard announced as both grandparents came into view.

"Oh, this is gonna be good," Archie said as he munched on popcorn, Samantha and Lucy nodding along.

"I have been the co-chair of the starlight foundation for the last eight years!" Emily asserted, as Lorelai and Rory came and stood in the doorway.

"Look at them," Lorelai laughed as she pointed to the three kids watching the argument like it was a TV show.

"Gosh, they even have popcorn," Rory smiled.

"And the black and white ball is the main fundraising event of the season," Emily added.

"It's one year!" Richard shot back, making all the kids let out a collective gasp.

"Wrong thing to say, Papa," Samantha shook her head as the quarrel continued.

"The co-chair cannot miss the main fundraising event," Emily stated, not backing down. Unfortunately, her husband was just as stubborn as her.

"Why? Won't the chair be there?"

"Is this a joke to you?"

"I have too many things to take care of at work," Richard revealed before adding, "I don't have time for frivolous parties."

"No!" Archie gasped. "He did not just say that!"

"He did," Samantha leaned forward as she put another handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"It's about to get real," Lucy commented, making the other two nod.

"Frivolous parties?!" Emily screeched, the kids exchanging a knowing glance. "Friv–Ooh!"

"Oh!" Samantha pointed at her grandmother's angry figure marching away. "She's going up the stairs! She's going up the stairs!"

"Well, where are you going?" Richard questioned as he went after her, Archie, Lucy, and Samantha scrambling after them as their popcorn spilled everywhere. "Emily get back here!"

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