Rory's 16th Birthday

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Samantha Gilmore grinned giddily as she poured tea into her butler's cup before doing the same for her best friend. The unusual trio was, like every Sunday night, sitting in Samantha's room having a tea party. Samantha and Lucy were adorned in fluffy pink feather scarves and flowered crowns. While Archibald, much to his dismay, was dressed in a fluffy purple feather scarf and a princess tiara. The tiara was, obviously, borrowed from Samantha. Because of this, it cut into the man's bald head quite uncomfortably.

"Would you like a scone, Miss Brown?" Samantha asked in a British accent, making Lucy giggle.

Lucy opened her flower-print folding fan, playfully batting her eyelashes as she fanned herself and responded in a terrible Southern accent, "Why yes, please, Miss Gilmore, I would be delighted to have a scone."

Samantha let out another laugh before turning to her favorite butler. "What about you Mr. Chambers? Would you like a scone?"

Archibald didn't even try to hide his exasperation as he fanned himself with his lacey folding fan. "No, I would like to take off this itchy scarf and this tiara that is tearing into my brain."

Lucy and Samantha exchanged a glance before they burst out laughing, only angering the annoyed butler more.

"I hate children," Archibald muttered as he tried to get out of his chair.

Unfortunately for him, the toy chairs were made for 10-year-olds, not 50-year-olds. Samantha and Lucy roared with laughter as Archibald clambered to his feet, only to see that the small chair was still stuck to his butt. The man huffed and tried to pull it away which did not work as he had hoped. Archibald let out a string of curses as he lost his balance. Both girls covered their eyes when they heard a loud crack.

The dynamic duo slowly lowered their hands to be met with a very unhappy butler sitting on the floor next to a, now-broken, toy chair. Lucy and Samantha erupted in giggles again as they got up to help the poor man. The 10-year-olds had to hold each other up--because they were laughing so hard--as Archibald complained about the splinters poking his butt. When the older man finally got to his feet ,he scowled at the two girls before promptly walking out, not realizing that he still had on the boa and tiara. Another thing he failed to notice was that Richard Gilmore was walking down the hallway.

"Archibald, why do you have on a princess tiara?"


On the night of Rory's 16th birthday, the Gilmore household was buzzing with busyness. Emily had somehow manipulated Lorelai into letting her host Rory's birthday party at her house--most likely because the teenager's birthday conveniently fell on a Friday night. Samantha Gilmore was practically bubbling with excitement as she thought about seeing the look on her cousin's face when she bestowed her gift upon her.

The two girls had grown a lot closer since their golf course extravaganza. One of the things about Samantha that really intrigued her cousin was the revelation that she actually had some musical talent. The 10-year-old very soon regretted divulging that information to her cousin due to the fact that now Rory wouldn't stop asking her to sing for her. It certainly didn't help that Rory told her mom about Samantha's hidden talent, and now the mother-daughter duo was ganging up on her. But their wishes would soon be granted because Rory's birthday present was a performance from her very own cousin.

"Samantha, do these candles look six inches apart?" Emily asked, bringing the younger girl out of her thoughts.

"Everything looks lovely, Grandmary. Rory's going to love it." Samantha responded, making her grandmother beam at her.

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