You're an idiot, Archie Brown

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Since her reconciliation with her mother, Samantha has spent more time with the Lorelai's. This is what has led the 12-year-old to enter the 'Bid On A Basket' fundraiser and the fact that the twin terrors made her. The 'Bid On A Basket' fundraiser is an annual event in Stars Hollow where men bid on baskets and whoever bids the most gets to have that basket (that should have food) and go on a "date" with the woman who made the basket. It all sounds terribly chauvinistic to Samantha. Unfortunately, Lorelai and Rory do not know how to take no for an answer, so here she was, shopping for a basket at Doosey's market. The blond's ears perked up when she heard Lorelai ask Miss Patty why she had a picture of her in her wallet.

"I'm a stalker?"


"Or, when on my daily travels," Patty started to explain as Samantha stepped into her view, "I run across a nice, single guy..."

Before Lorelai could even begin to respond, the youngest Gilmore burst into laughter. Samantha had to bend over, not able to keep herself upright, as giggles spilled from her lips. When she looked up to see Lorelai looking at her with an unamused expression, she just started laughing harder.

"Oh," she put a hand on her stomach as she regained her posture, "I apologize." She turned to Patty, "You know, Miss Patty, if you gave me one of those pictures, I'd say together we could find this one a man-- hey!" the blond cut herself off when her mother grabbed her arm and started dragging her out of the market. She looked over her shoulder at Miss Patty as they went over the threshold before calling out, "I'll call you!"


"Oh, you're doing so wonderful," Sookie clapped her hands excitedly as she watched Samantha get cookies out of the oven at the Independence Inn, where she was helping the chef make her basket for Jackson, "my little mini-me!"

"Sookie, I just pulled the rack out of the oven," Samantha laughed as she set the pan down on the countertop.

"Yes, but you're doing such a good job," the red-haired woman pinched her cheek, making Samantha groan. The blond's attention was diverted momentarily when her mother burst into the kitchen. Lorelai looked between Sookie and Samantha with a weird expression.

"Sookie, why are you pinching my daughter's cheeks?"

"She's just so adorable!" Sookie gushed, causing Lorelai to grin before joining in on humiliating the poor girl.

"Ugh," Samantha whined as her mother also started to dote on her excessively before slapping their hands away, making them pout, "that is enough love for today."

"Fine," Lorelai pulled out an overfamiliar yellow envelope, causing Samantha's face to go white. "Wanna tell me why Patty sent me a packet of pictures and resumes of three men I've never met before?"

"Not really."



"I can find my own man, kid," Lorelai put a hand on her hip.

"But you're no good at finding them."


The blond's eyebrows nearly shot up to her hairline when she glimpsed the top three contenders that Patty had sent Lorelai. She snatched the papers from the older woman's hands and flipped through them. "Oh my gosh," she threw the papers down, "I didn't pick these!"


"The nerve on that woman," Samantha shook her head, "my selections were much better."

"Samantha," Lorelai started, "please tell me you did not actually spend time flipping through files with Patty to find me a boyfriend."

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