"I have no idea who that is"

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Samantha sighed in discontentment as she sat in her extremely dull etiquette class. After her what Emily had referred to as, "hysterical episode," the girl's grandmother had enrolled her right back into the banal lectures. Guess what they were learning this week? The table rules. Coincidence? Samantha doesn't think so.

"Dos and don'ts of the dinner table," the teacher started. Samantha suppressed an eye roll.

"Do be on time," the teacher said, shooting a small glare at Samantha who was "accidentally" late to class. Samantha gave her a sickly sweet smile.

Lorelai snorted from her place leaning against the doorway of the room. When Emily Gilmore found out that Lorelai's inn was holding an etiquette class, she didn't hesitate to enroll Samantha into the class. Based on the memorable dinner from last week, the girl obviously needed some refreshing.

"Don't show up hungry."

At this, Lorelai and Samantha exchanged a bewildered glance. Didn't you come to dinner to eat?

"Do dress appropriately." Samantha nodded to herself. She did that. But she did have on ripped stockings and some mud on her dress from playing tug of war with Archie. Oops?

"Don't bring up sensitive topics." This, Samantha agreed with. She nodded her head vigorously in response.

Topics such as religion and politics should be avoided," she continued, Samantha still nodding along. Maybe this woman does have some sense, she thought.

"However, topics such as school, weather, and pets are great conversation starters. Announcement are great discussion starters. Like someone is moving schools great talking point" she stated, giving Samantha a pointed look. This lady definitely knows her grandmother.

Samantha didn't even try to suppress her frustration as she threw her head back and groaned in frustration.

"Do practice self control."

Samantha banged her head against the table. This was going to be a long day.


Samantha shot a glare at her grandmother, who was sitting next to her in Hanlin Charleston's office. Otherwise known as Headmaster Charleston, aka her principal. Somehow the ten year old got roped into being part of Rory Gilmore's welcoming committee to Chilton. She was not happy.

Samantha's head snapped to the door when she heard his secretary say, in a morbid tone, "The headmaster will see you now."

She is so creepy. It's like the woman came straight out of a Dracula movie. Samantha furrowed her eyebrows slightly when she saw Lorelai's choice of clothing, a long, black coat that covered her entire body. A little cryptic but okay.

"Wow. Hi. It's so nice to meet yo--" Lorelai started as she walked into the headmaster's office with Rory. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the two Gilmores sitting on the couch.

"Mom. Samantha. What are you two doing here?" Lorelai questioned, as the two women gracefully stood from the couch.

"We came to to wish Rory luck on her first day of school," Emily answered excitedly as she walked over to her oldest granddaughter.

Samantha followed awkwardly, sending an apologetic glance to Lorelai, as her grandmother gushed about Rory's uniform.

"I tried to stop her. I really did," Samantha muttered regretfully as she stopped next to Lorelai.

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