Rory's dance

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"So when does Papa get back?" Samantha asked her grandmother, for what seemed like the 10th time that evening.

"He gets home in a week, dear. He said he's looking forward to your call tonight" Emily smiled slightly at her granddaughter's obvious adoration for her grandfather.

"How is he liking Prague?" Rory piped up, making her grandmother's attention shift to her.

"He loves it. It's supposed to be very lovely-- dramatic castles everywhere." Suddenly an idea popped into her head and she turned to her youngest granddaughter. "Samantha, you like castles don't you?"

"I love castles," the 10-year-old emphasized, making her three dinner mates chuckle.

"Maybe we can go there sometime? You can put it on your travel list." Emily suggested, making Samantha beam at her.

"Yes! Good idea" Samantha exclaimed before pulling out her notepad and writing down Prague.

"You have a travel list?" Lorelai butted in curiously.

"Mhm. I started it when I was four. Grandmary, Papa, and I are going on a big trip when I graduate from high school so we have to be prepared," Samantha responded excitedly, missing the jealous expression that crossed her aunt's face. Seeing the envious look in her daughter's eyes, Emily quickly changed the subject.

"Rory, tell me all about the Chilton formal next week."

There's a formal next week?" Lorelai questioned, having no idea about the whereabouts of her daughter's school.

"Yeah it's on Saturday" Samantha piped up.

"How do you know about the dance?" the Lorelai's questioned in synch, making Samantha eye them warily.

"Grandmary told me..."

As Lorelai began to pester her grandmother, Samantha tuned out of the conversation. The Gilmore girl came back to reality when she heard Rory say that she didn't want to go.

"Nonsense, of course, you're going" Emily asserted, causing Rory to give Samantha a pleading look.


"Mom if she doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to go," Lorelai argued.

"I don't understand why she doesn't want to go."

"Rory, let's go get a coke," Samantha spoke up before grabbing the girl's wrist and dragging her away from the squabble.

"Thank you for saving me, again." Rory joked.

"Always," Samantha smiled.

"But you know, if you did want to go, I'm sure Dean would be happy to take you" Samantha continued with a mischievous smile.

"Oh no, no, no. That is not happening."

"Why not?" Samantha whined.

"Because... uh--"

"Aha! See you can't even think of an excuse."

Fine! I'll think about it," Rory receded.

"That's all I ask."


Samantha grinned to herself as she stepped out of her grandmother's car and onto the Lorelai's property. After a lot of pestering from her cousin, Rory finally decided to go to the dance with Dean. The 10-year-old huffed slightly when her grandmother pulled her beanie down over her ears, again. She also had on gloves, a coat, and a scarf. Emily Gilmore was just a tad overprotective when it came to the cold season.

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