Kill em with kindness

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When his cousin came running at him with tears streaming down her face Jess thought for sure that he was going to kill Lorelai Gilmore. Reluctantly, the teenager pulled the blond toward himself allowing her to cry into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her back as he looked down at her worried.

"W-why didn't she want me?" Samantha blubbered into his chest. "Why w-w-wasn't I g-good enough?"

"She's an idiot," Jess responded bluntly as he continued to hold the girl, making her lighten up slightly.

"Aw," she put a hand over her heart. "That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me."

"Shut up," Jess rolled his eyes fondly, not being able to keep the smirk off his face. He looked around, making sure no one could hear him before bending down to his cousin's height. "You wanna go have some fun?"


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Samantha asked as she held a toilet roll in each hand, preparing to throw them over Doosey's Market.

"Of course I'm sure," Jess scoffed. "You think I'd throw you under the bus?"

"Yes," the blond nodded. "You definitely would."

"Just throw the toilet paper, Samantha."

The Gilmore girl spared her cousin one last glance before sending the toilet paper roll flying over the supermarket. "Nice throw!" Jess laughed, before grabbing a roll for himself from the bag next to his feet. "Eat this, Taylor!" he hurled the toilet paper over the store.

"This is so fun!" Samantha grinned as she launched another TP roll at the store.

"I told you!" Jess exclaimed before adding, "It's also very good for anger management."

"At poor Taylor's expense," the 12-year-old cringed thinking about how mad the market owner would be tomorrow.

"He deserves it."

"That's true."


The next morning, Luke looked out of his window to find something that made him laugh. Doose's shop, though the front banisters aren't covered in flowers anymore, but instead, toilet paper spirals. He walked downstairs slowly, finding Samantha and Jess wiping down tables in the diner looking as innocent as possible. He claps them both on the shoulder. "Good work guys."

"How did you--"

"You have toilet paper stuck to your shoe."

"Crap," Jess grumbled as he reached down to pull it off while Samantha giggled.

The 12-year-old's mood went from one of amusement to one of dread when she spotted Stephanie, Becky, and Lindsay strutting toward Luke's diner. She put a hand to her forehead, wondering if this day could get any worse. It could.

"Hey Sam," her father called her over. "Can you serve those three girls over there? Jess and I are trying to fix the toaster."

"Sure," Samantha plastered a fake smile on her face as she nodded.

"Thanks, kid," Luke ruffled her hair before handing her a pitcher of water. The blond took a deep breath before slowly walking over to the trio.

"Hey guys," Samantha started, trying to be professional. The girl had to hold herself back from dumping the pitcher over the girl's heads when she saw them giving each other entertained smirks. "I'll be your server today. Can I get you some water?"

"Sammy," Stephanie started, smiling devilishly as she gestured to the blond's apron. "Working girl isn't a good look for you."

"This is what hard work looks like but how would you know?" Samantha shot back, not being able to restain herself, as she put a hand on her hip. "The only thing you know how to do is shoot ketchup packets."

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