No second chances

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Samantha took a deep breath as she approached the familiar steps leading up to Luke's Diner. Normally, she would've gone to her grandparent's house first but they had Friday night dinner this evening so she was going to spend some time with her dad and then take the bus up to Hartford. It would've made more sense for her to ride with the Lorelai's but quite honestly Samantha would rather get run over by the bus than have to spend any more time with them than necessary. Little did she know the twin terrors were sitting inside the diner she was about to enter. The 12-year-old grinned when she saw a familiar flannel and baseball cap go by the door before barreling into the diner.

"Luke!" Samantha yelled, unintentionally attracting several customers' attention, including her mother and sister, as she ran toward the man.

Luke couldn't help but smile as he put his coffee pot down and opened his arms for his daughter whom he hadn't seen for more than a month. Although he talked to her on the phone daily, he had missed the girl something awful. He immediately scooped up his little girl, wrapping her in a tight embrace. "I missed you so much, kiddo." He held a long kiss on her cheek, touching a hand to the back of her blond hair. And then his eyes popped out of his head.

"What did you do to your hair?!"

"Well, you see...oof!" Samantha started to explain, only to get cut off by two bodies crashing into her with a hug. Luke watched, his expression falling slightly, as he saw the look his daughter gave Lorelai and Rory when she saw who was hugging her. It was a mix of fear and disgust. Samantha told him about what happened before she went on her trip and to be honest, he couldn't blame her. What was Lorelai thinking?

The blond immediately wriggled out of the Lorelai's grip and hid behind her dad, glaring at the girls as she clutched the sleeve of his flannel tightly. The mother-daughter duo gave each other a confused look before advancing toward the girl again, only for her to run up the stairs into her dad's apartment.

"What was that all about?" Lorelai asked, making Luke give her an incredulous look. The woman furrowed her eyebrows when he simply shook his head and walked away to serve another customer. She shrugged and sat back down at her table.


"I'll be fine Lucas," Samantha reassured her overprotective father as she stepped onto the bus. "Rory takes this bus every day."

"But she's 17 and you're 12," Luke shot back before trying to pull her out of the bus again. He huffed when she took another step into the bus. "Are you sure you don't want to just ride with Lorelai and Rory?"

"Over my dead body," Samantha gave him a sickly sweet smile before waving as the bus doors closed behind her. The Gilmore girl gripped the leather seats as she made her way to the middle of the bus to sit down. She gave the bus driver a glare when he started the bus before she was seated, making her fall into some old man's lap.

"Sorry," Samantha apologized before continuing on. The girl's eyes widened in horror when she stumbled upon a seat that was completely wet.

"Oh you don't want to sit there, sweetie" a random woman from the back of the bus spoke up, making Samantha raise her eyebrows. "A toddler just urinated there."

Samantha squeezed her eyes shut, wishing to be anywhere but here, before nodding at the woman. She went back toward the front of the bus for a seat. The 12-year-old smiled when she saw a seat open next to a sleeping old man in the front. She checked to make sure there was no pee on the seats before sitting down. Suddenly, the older man woke up with a snort, making the girl giggle slightly. However, her amusement turned to horror when the man lifted up his butt slightly and let out a long fart. Samantha's mouth fell open as she turned to the man only to see that he fell asleep again. She sighed as he let out a loud snore. This was going to be a long bus ride.

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