I spy with my little eye

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Much to Samantha's surprise, ever since she had been discharged and back at her home, Luke had called every day without fail. The 11-year-old felt both elated and obliterated that her birth father was so genuine. On one hand, obviously, she's thrilled that after all these years she finally has a good, kind, reliable paternal figure. It's not that her Papa wasn't a good father figure but he was just that, her Papa. There is a big difference between Papa and Dad. On the other hand, Samantha can't help but feel disappointed that it took so long to meet him. She knew it wasn't his fault, but she just wished things could've been different.

She wished that she could've grown up knowing both her parents. She wished that, for once, Rory wasn't the one to get everything. She wished that Lorelai had the guts to tell Luke he had a kid. Most of all, she wished that she could've been good enough for her mom to keep her. Why did Lorelai abandon her? How come Rory was good enough to keep and not her? What was so bad about her? Was this her fault? The questions that plagued her mind were slowly drowning her, making her sink into an ocean of her own misery.

Samantha was brought out of her thoughts by the phone ringing. The stubborn Gilmore rolled her eyes, hanging up the phone when she saw it was just Lorelai. Unfortunately, her father was the only regretful parent who had been calling since the 11-year-old got home. Samantha couldn't even think about seeing her birth giver without wanting to smash her head into a brick wall. So she chose to keep everything that had to do with Lorelai out of her mind and out of her life. This meant no more trips to Stars Hollow, no more Friday night dinners, and, much to the teenager's dismay, avoiding Lorelai number two. Samantha's frown turned to a grin when another name popped up on the landline, one Lucas Danes.

"Hello Lucas," Luke could hear his daughter's smirk through the phone as she answered, making him sigh.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that."

"Fine, Lukie, I'll stop," Samantha mocked, causing the diner owner to run a hand over his face in exasperation.


"Okay, okay. How about Lucardo?"

"It's Luke! Just Luke--" he tried again, only for the over-excited brunette to interrupt him.

"Oh my gosh! What about Lukester?"

"I am about to hang up," Luke threatened, making Samantha's eyes widen in fear, not realizing he was just joking.

"Please don't hang up. I'm sorry--"

"Kid I was just messing with you," Luke cut her off, obviously not expecting that reaction before reassuring the girl, "I would never hang up on you."

"Really?" Samantha asked, completely shocked by how sincere he sounded.

"Really," Luke paused before continuing. "Hey, how would you like to spend some time together? Just you and me?"

"I'd love that," Samantha responded immediately, nearly giddy at the idea of getting to know one of her parents.

"All right, good, good..." Luke trailed off slightly, not expecting the conversation to go this well. Then he realized he just left Samantha hanging, not setting up a time or place. "How about you come down to the diner tomorrow? Around noon?"

Samantha's face fell at her father's last statement before she slowly answered, "But the diner is in Stars Hollow. And what about--"

"She who will not be named will not be there," Luke cut her off, referring to Lorelai. "I'll make sure of it."

"Okay, then I'm in. See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow, kiddo."


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