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Samantha was practicing a song on the piano when her grandmother called out for her.

"Samantha, Rory's on the phone for you!"

The 10-year-old closed her piano book before getting up. She smoothed out her dress as she went to answer the phone.


"I need help," Rory stated bluntly, making Samantha furrow her eyebrows.

"What's wrong?"

"Remember Dean?"

"The boy that's in love with you? Yes, I remember him."

"He's not in love with me- whatever. He kissed me."


"And then mom found out, and she stalked him at the supermarket where he works."


"And then she invited him to our house without asking me!"


"I know! My first date is going to be chaperoned by my mother," Rory groaned.

"What can I do to help?"

"Come be my buffer" Rory responded, making Samantha furrow her eyebrows.

"You want your first date to be with your mom and your 10-year-old cousin?"

"Not my buffer! My mom's buffer! You can keep her from scaring Dean away."

"You're very lucky I love you, Rory Gilmore," Samantha huffed, making Rory cheer. "I'll be there in half an hour."


"Thanks for the ride, Frank!" Samantha called out as her chauffeur drove out of the gravel driveway.

The 10-year-old blew out a breath before whirling around and heading into the Gilmore house. She didn't even have to knock before being pulled in by a frazzled Rory.

"I don't know what to wear and my makeup is smudged. This is a disaster! What was my mom thinking--" the frantic teen rambled before Samantha cut her off. The younger girl placed her hands on Rory's shoulders and made her look down at her.

"You are Rory freaking Gilmore! You are beautiful and smart and any guy would be lucky to have you. Don't ever let a boy make you doubt your self-worth."

Rory smiled and gave the girl a hug as she exclaimed, "Wow you're so mature. I wonder where you got that from?"

"I guess we'll never know."


After getting Rory dolled up, Lorelai and Samantha were watching the girl with amused expressions as she rambled mindlessly.

"He's thirty minutes late. What if something happened? What if something came up? What if-"

"Rory!" Samantha cut her off and placed her hands on the distressed girl's shoulders. "Everything is going to be fine. I'm sure he just got held up somewhere, and he'll be here any minute."

"She's right, hun. Here I'll check outside," Lorelai suggested before going to the window.

"Uh oh."

"What is it?" Rory and Samantha asked in synch, making them point at each other.

"Dean has been abducted."

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