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On Samantha's first day at Stars Hollow Middle School, the 12-year-old woke up to a pair of stinky feet next to her head. The blond made a face as she gently moved Jess's feet to the side. The unlikely duo had fallen asleep on his mattress playing another game of poker. Jess never got his money back, much to the teenager's dismay. Samantha's face softened slightly as she looked down at the peaceful boy sleeping. He looked a lot less intimidating sprawled out across the mattress. She smiled softly as she pulled the cover back over his shoulders before grabbing her backpack and heading downstairs.

"Good morning, Lucas," she greeted, as she slung her green backpack over her shoulder.

"It's Luke," the diner owner rolled his eyes before adding, "and good morning to you too. Are you ready for your first day?"

"I'm a bit nervous," Samantha admitted as she bounced on the balls of her feet.

"There's nothing to worry about," Luke reassured her as he came around the counter and slung an arm around her shoulders, leading her out of the diner and towards the school. "I'm sure they'll love you."

"I hope so."


Everyone had known about the walking tragedy of Samantha Gilmore before she even stepped foot into Stars Hollow Middle School. Nearly all eyes seemed to be trained on the blond as she walked through the halls with the principal behind her, leading her to her first class. She could hear the hushed whispers of her name being spilled from the lips of students. Some actually tried to be subtle about it, which she appreciated, while others didn't seem to care and just stared right at her and let their eyes burn holes into her soft skin. That she did not appreciate.

Samantha wished Archie and Lucy were by her side- she would even settle for Archibald. As long as someone was there to ground her or be utilized as a human shield from all the glares she was currently receiving. She felt like a zoo animal. Samantha knew that news seemed to spread fast in small towns but this was just humiliating. It seemed everyone knew who she was: Lorelai Gilmore's forgotten daughter.

Samantha guessed that in a town as small as Stars Hollow gossip spread like wildfire, everyone knew everything about everyone, and she would be right. The 12-year-old was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of a door opening. The blond had to hold back her cringe at the obnoxious squeaking that came from the rusty hinges. This definitely wasn't Chilton. Samantha felt her heart rate speed up as the principal put a hand on her back and guided her inside the classroom.

"Good morning kids," Principal Turner started as he came in behind Samantha, the girl's face flushed from all the eyes that were trained on her. "Welcome back, I hope you had a great summer." He looked toward the teacher. "Ms. Wilson, this is Samantha Gilmore who will be joining your class." The 12-year-old gave the older woman a tight-lipped smile as she waved at her, the teacher just looking annoyed that she was there. "Samantha welcome to Stars Hollow."

"Thank you," Samantha smiled up at the principal, the first person that had actually said something nice to her since she stepped into this school. He patted her shoulder before leaving.

"Thank you principal Turner," Ms. Wilson called after him before turning to the small blond in front of her. "Alright, Samantha, you can go sit next to Stephanie over there."

Samantha glanced over to where Ms. Wilson was pointing, having to swallow down her fear when she saw an intimidating-looking blond glaring at her. She was obviously older than the rest of the class, had to be at least fourteen. Her long golden hair went about halfway down her back and her fashion sense was way more mature than the average 12-year-old's. Samantha gave the girl a small smile as she sat down next to her, the teenager simply popping her bubble of pink bubblegum in response. The Gilmore girl had to hold herself back from slamming the girl's head against her desk as she chewed loudly beside her. Her ears perked up as the blond leaned over and whispered her name.

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