When the feeling sinks in

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Archie sighed as he heard Samantha Gilmore's laughter echo down the hallway from his and his sister's shared room. Ever since their little moment at the Stars Hollow basket fundraiser, things had been rather awkward. Samantha Gilmore was a mystery to Archie. She was like an abstract painting, wild, free, and colorful. She was vibrant and beautiful. But she was also very hard to understand. One moment she was kicking him in the shin and calling him Archfiend, and the next, she was giving him that cute little smile he loved so much with that glimmer in her eyes. They had gone from enemies, to friends, to best friends, and now Archie had no idea what they were. Girls were so complicated.

"Archie, dear," Ivey Brown called out to her son from the living room, making him put his book down before going down the stairs.

Ivey was a beautiful woman with long, dark brunette hair and pale green eyes. Her style was classy and modest at the same time, which matched her personality perfectly. While Archie didn't have the best relationship with his father, his mother was one of the few people he truly cared for. After all, she was the first person to show him what real love was.

"Yeah, ma?" Archie responded, sitting down on the couch next to his mother.

"Do you have something you'd like to tell me, Archfield?" Ivey questioned, raising her sculpted eyebrows in a way that said, 'you better fess up now because I already know exactly what happened.' Archie hated that look.


"So you don't want to tell me about spending one hundred dollars at a bid-on-a-basket fundraiser? At a town, you don't even live in?"

"How did you-?"

"I have my ways, Archfield," Ivey smirked before putting her arm around the back of the couch, looking down at her son with soft eyes.

"It's possible that I may have gone a bit overboard," Archie rolled his eyes as his mother chuckled. "I just really wanted that basket."

"Why? Because it meant you got to spend time with Samantha?"

Archie's expression went from guilty to shocked in the most hilarious way possible as he gaped at his mother, pointing his finger at her. "How did you-?!"

"I'm your mother, Archie," Ivey smiled as she ran a hand through his chocolate curls. "I know these things. I know you. It's in my job description."

"I like her, ma," Archie admitted quietly as the woman tilted her head to the side, already aware of this information but letting her son get it all out anyway. "I really, really like her."

"You should tell her."

"Please," Archie scoffed, shaking his head. "She doesn't even notice me. She only hangs out with me to be with Lucy. I'm the third wheel in their relationship. I don't have a chance."

"Then make her notice you," Ivey suggested, catching her son off guard. "Talk to her. Make her give you a chance. When you like someone, you should tell them. There's so much insecurity and cruelty in this world. If everyone just told the people they care about how much they love them, I think this world would be a much better place."

"I'll think about it," Archie nodded, causing his mom to grin before placing her hands on either side of his face and leaning down to kiss his forehead. "Thanks, ma."

"You're welcome, sweetheart," Ivey smiled before a knock sounded on the door, causing her to get up. "That's odd. I don't think we were expecting guests."

"Maybe the Lorelai's went to the wrong house again," Archie shrugged his shoulders. "I think tonight is Friday night dinner."

"Oh, yes, that might be it," Ivey said before she heard her husband answer the door. "I'll go check."

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