Happy birthday to me

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What do you mean she needs a kidney transplant?!


All the noise around Samantha seemed contorted as the 10-year-old tried to take in what she just overheard. Kidney transplant? As in taking her kidney out of her body and putting someone else's in? A dagger of fear plunged itself through her chest at just the thought of living with someone else's organs in her body. The youngest Gilmore squeezed her eyes shut as her fingers clenched the white hospital sheets tightly. She just wanted to wake up from this nightmare.

"3...2...1" Samantha whispered under her breath before opening her eyes again.

The Gilmore girl felt her shoulders drop in disappointment when all she saw was a dreary hospital room. She was snapped out of her wishful thoughts by a gentle hand shaking her shoulder. Samantha's eyes widened in surprise when she realized that Lorelai had been talking to her this whole time.

"I-I'm sorry. What did you say?" the unaware girl stuttered out, as she shook her head.

"Are you okay, honey?" Lorelai asked worriedly, as she cupped her daughter's face with one hand, Samantha leaning into her touch.

"Um- yeah I guess," Samantha responded unconvincingly before her grandparents walked back into the room looking defeated.

The room was silent for a few moments as Emily and Richard both made their way to their youngest granddaughter. Samantha's eyes welled up with tears as she saw how small they looked; like their world had just been ripped out of their grasp. Lorelai and Rory reluctantly moved out of the way as the dejected grandparents squished the 10-year-old in between them. Emily gently took both of her granddaughter's hands while Richard rubbed her back comfortingly. Samantha slowly looked up at her grandmother.

"Samantha," Emily started, her voice quivering as she squeezed the girl's hands, "there is no easy way for me to say this--"

"I have to get a kidney transplant," Samantha interrupted, making her grandparents exchange a confused glance. "You were rather loud in the hallway..."

The older couple let out a watery laugh at Samantha's ability to still make jokes in a dire situation. Emily let a tear spill over her out of her eye as she gently placed her palms on either side of her granddaughter's face.

"Samantha," she started again, this time the girl keeping her mouth shut. "If there is one thing I know I did right in this world it is you. And I promise you that Richard and I will find a way to cure you. Whatever it takes."

"We won't give up on our girl," Richard added with a reassuring smile, causing Samantha to interlock her tiny hand with his big one.

"Cross your heart?" Samantha whispered, her voice shaking, as Richard pressed a sweet kiss on her head.

"Cross my heart."


"Samantha, I just got your call," Lucy exclaimed loudly, as she powerwalked into the Gilmore girl's room, the other half of the Brown siblings right on her heels.

"What the heck happened?" Archie finished for her as they both came to a stop in front of the brunette's bed.

"I'm going into kidney failure-"


"So they put me on dialysis-"


"Until I can get a kidney donor."


"Was it the Advil's?" Lucy asked, her face white as a sheet at the thought of accidentally killing her best friend.

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