Dinner & Drama

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Samantha laughed as she ran around her grandparents' real estate. It was well past dark on a Friday evening, and, as usual, Samantha was late to dinner. Little did she know, they had guests this evening. The youngest Gilmore was currently chasing her next door nuisance, Archie Brown. Samantha was hanging out with his sister, and her lifelong best friend, Lucy Brown- that was, until Archie decided to "accidentally" rip her stockings. So that's how Archie ended up climbing up a tree to get away from the girls rage.

"You're so dumb! You probably think three times four is twelve!" Archie yelled getting a sudden burst of confidence since he now has higher ground than the scary little girl.

"Three times four is twelve, Archfiend!" Samantha shot back, barely containing her laughter at his idiocy.

Archie huffed in frustration, but that frustration soon turned to fear when he lost his balance and fell out of the tree. Samantha pointed at him, bent over laughing at his expense, as he groaned in frustration. They were both brought out of their moment when Samantha's out-of-breath butler scurried up to them- what could be seen as running if you squinted really, really hard.

The out-of-shape man was huffing obnoxiously loud as he practically sprawled out in front of the kids, gasping for air. Samantha attempted to keep her giggles in for the sake of the man's ego, but failed miserably when Archie started cackling loudly. Archibald looked at the pair in disgust, which made them laugh even harder.

"Samantha..." the older man wheezed out. "Your grandparents want to see you."

At that, Samantha's amused expression dropped. She was late for dinner, again! The small girl picked up her dress and sprinted toward the Gilmore mansion, not knowing she was running straight into the lion's den.


Samantha held her breath as she attempted to tiptoe past the dining room, so she could at least clean herself up before facing her grandmother's wrath. Her grandfather probably fell asleep at the table again. The girl was dismayed when she heard her grandmother call her name. She put on an innocent smile before turning to face the dining room.

Samantha was surprised when she saw her grandparents, her aunt Lorelai, and her cousin Rory sitting at the table. All of them awake and all of them staring at her. She cringed when she saw her grandmother. Emily Gilmore was not pleased with her tardy granddaughter.

"Samantha don't you know it's rude to be late when we have guests?" she asked scarily calm.

Samantha shuffled nervously before speaking, cutting of Lorelai who was about to butt in, "I'm sorry Grandmary. But I wasn't informed we were having guests tonight."

At that sentence, Emily's wrath shifted to her husband.

"You didn't tell her?!" she screeched.

"Of course I told her," Richard shot back, appalled at the accusation. Then he thought for a moment. "Well, I know I told someone."

"That would be me sir," A voice said from behind Samantha. The girl turned her head and smiled when she saw her favorite butler.

Emily shot her husband a glare, before smiling at her youngest granddaughter and gesturing for her to join the table. Samantha let out a sigh of relief as she sat next to Lorelai at the table. The young girl shifted uncomfortably at the obvious tension in the room. Attempting to break the awkward silence, Rory turned to her cousin.

"So, Samantha do you have any advice for me on how to adapt to Chilton?"

At this question, Samantha's smile fell. Why would Rory need to adapt to Chilton? Why was she so in the dark?

"Chilton?" she asked, making Rory nod.

"I thought you went to Stars Hollow High?" Samantha questioned. Lorelai and Rory exchanged a confused look. They thought Samantha knew about Rory's transfer to Chilton.

"Rory is transferring to Chilton, Dear," her grandmother cut in with a proud smile in Rory's direction. She thought it would be fun to surprise her youngest granddaughter at dinner with this new, exciting information.

Samantha's expression turned cold. Why was no one telling her anything? Do they not care about her feelings?

"That's great. Congratulations, Rory," the ten year old responded, emotionless. Everyone at the table exchanged worried glances. They did not expect this reaction.

Throughout the dinner, Samantha did not utter a word. She was stuck in her own world. Lorelai kept stealing glances at her throughout the dinner. She was not only concerned for the girl, but she was in shock of how grown up and beautiful her daughter is. She can't believe that was the baby she left here with her parents ten years ago.

Samantha, on the other hand, felt slightly perturbed when she caught Lorelai glance at her for the tenth time this evening. Her anxiousness will only grow as the evening continues. Samantha came back to reality when her grandmother asked a question that hit her like a ton of bricks.

"So Rory what do you want for dinner next Friday?"

"Dinner? Next Friday? What are you talking about?" Samantha asked slowly.

"Why our weekly dinners of course," Emily responded, confused.

"Weekly dinners?!" Samantha shrieked.

"Richard please tell me you told her," Emily said sternly as she turned to her husband. She sighed in exasperation when she saw that he was asleep at the dinner table. In response, Richard let out a loud snore, making his wife facepalm.

Samantha doesn't blame her grandfather. She knows that he is busy and forgets things. But the young girl felt incredibly overwhelmed. All of this potentially life-changing information was being thrown at her, and she had no idea how to process it. So Samantha did what any sensible woman would do. She made a scene.

"You know what? Politeness week is over!" she yelled referring to the etiquette class she just finished. "If you want to throw any more newfangled information my way, just send me a postcard!" The small ten year old hops off her chair and stomps out of the dining room, leaving her dinner mates in shock.

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